News Briefs Aug. 10-20: Hazardous materials recycling, lead-fighting nutrients

By Anne Trelfa

Hazardous Waste, Electronics & Appliance Recycle Day Aug. 20

Saturday August 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is recycling day for hazardous waste, electronics and appliances in Genesee County. The collection will take place at two locations this year:

  • Flint East-Water Service Center at 3310 E. Court Street in Flint
  • Lake Fenton High School at 4070 Lahring Road in Linden.

RecycleDayItems that can be dropped of include  fluorescent light bulbs, medications and electronic waste like air conditioners and printers. For a full list of acceptable items to drop off for recycling go to and click on the link “What can you bring to the collection sites?”



MSU-Extension reports nutrient-dense diet can help reduce lead absorption

What can Flint residents do to stay healthy while the water crisis still is being investigated?

According to Michigan State University Extension, Flint residents can take important steps in their daily food consumption by maintaining a diet “nutrient dense” in  iron, calcium and vitamin C.

Iron can be found in foods like red meat, fish and chicken and green leafy vegetables, whole grains, dried fruit, beans, peas and lentils. According to their report, iron can make it harder for lead to be absorbed in the body.

Vitamin C works along with iron, according to nutrition experts.  Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits, Nutrientstomatoes, vegetables like peppers, broccoli, potatoes and fruits like peaches, strawberries, pears and more.

Calcium can also help bar lead absorption and can be found in foods like milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables and more.

For more information on a nutrient-rich diet use the following link:

News briefs editor Anne Trelfa can be reached at