MADD “Vigil of Remembrance and Hope” set for Dec. 10


By Megan Ockert

madd_logo_nmvMADD Genesee County will host its annual “Candlelight Vigil of Remembrance and Hope” at 7 p.m. Saturday Dec. 10. The event will be held at the First Baptist Church of Grand Blanc on Saginaw Road in Grand Blanc Township.

Family members and others affected by alcohol-related accidents are invited to light a candle in honor of loved ones killed or injured in alcohol-related vehicular crashes. During the event, a brief video honoring victims will be shown. Anyone wishing to participate in the vigil or to include a loved one in the video must call (810)-953-9854 by Dec. 2.

Callers are asked to include a contact phone number and the birth and death dates of the victims. Attendance at the service is not required to have a name read and listed in the program, organizers stated.

MADD Genesee County may postpone this event due to snow and ice. If such weather does occur, the event will be rescheduled for Jan. 14. For more information regarding this event, and to learn whether or not it has been postponed, go to or call Ron Krueger at (810) 953-9854.