News Brief: “Deep Fried Pickle Project” among December events at Flint Public Library

The Flint Public Library hosts the “Deep Fried Pickle Project” Dec. 15 for an afternoon of music and crafts, among the library’s December programs. You can make your own instrument, like maybe a cigar box banjo, then hear the Pickle Boys perform funny songs on their own homemade instruments. The workshop begins at 1 p.m., with the concert at 2 p.m. Registration is required for the workshop, but not for the concert.

Other FPL program highlights for December include workshops for creating computer games; Minecraft, even for beginners; puppets; 3-D printing; drumming; and a movie day. And the littlest kids can get to experience what stuff feels like at Sensory Stations.

All events are free, though some have age and registration requirements. For a full listing of activities and more details, call 810-249-2569 or click here.

–EVM Staff