Drive-through flu shots, water giveaway available Friday at Genesee Health Plan office

By Jan Worth-Nelson

Area residents can get flu shots without even leaving their cars from 3-6 p.m. Friday at the Genesee Health Plan (GHP) office, 2171 S. Linden Rd., Flint.

“Attendees can drive through one of our garage service bays, roll down their window and roll up their sleeve to receive their flu shot,” said GHP President and CEO Jim Milanowski.

The event also features a host of other health-related services and a water giveaway, GHP officials said.

The sixth annual event allows Genesee County residents a convenient way to receive their flu shots and other immunizations and protect themselves and their family during the flu season, Milanowski added.

“Our event has grown tremendously over the past six years because of its convenience and accessibility. We see many families who drive in to receive their flu shots together.”

Flu, Tdap, HPV and Pneumonia vaccines also will be available inside GHP’s office, in addition to blood pressure checks, Body Mass Index (BMI) screenings and women’s health resources.

Information on health care resources and enrollment for health care coverage will also be available, GHP officials said.

Flu shots and vaccines are provided by the Genesee County Health Department and Walgreens. New this year is a water giveaway for Flint residents.

Residents unable to attend the drive-through can get flu shots from their doctor, health centers and clinics or at pharmacies throughout Genesee County.  Cost of the flu shots and other immunizations are covered by the Genesee Health Plan, Healthy Michigan Plan (Medicaid) and the Michigan Health Insurance Marketplace (ACA), GHP officials stated.

More information is available at or  844.232.7740.

Genesee Health Plan  is  a nonprofit health care organization  launched in 2001 to provide health care coverage and services to the uninsured residents of Genesee County.

EVM Editor Jan Worth-Nelson can be reached at