“Social media and children” topic of Flint Area Public Affairs Forum Tuesday Jan. 28

A panel of local experts on news, social media, psychology and children convene at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday Jan. 28 at the Flint Public Library for a discussion titled “I Saw It On Snapchat:  Social Media and Children.”

The event, free and open to the public,  is sponsored by the Flint Area Public Affairs Forum, a community collaboration among local schools, colleges, universities, media, and the library to promote discourse on topics of local interest and concern.

Moderator will be reporter Zahra Ahmad of The Flint Journal/M-Live.

Panelists include:
  • Traci Cormier, Director of the International Academy of Flint
  • Dr. C. Emily Durbin, Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University
  • Dr. Sara Rosaen, Professor of Communication, University of Michigan-
  • Dr. Conor J. Shaw-Draves, Assistant Professor of English, Saginaw
    Valley State University

Refreshments will be served.


–EVM Staff