Mayor Sheldon Neeley, Cynthia Neeley jointly endorse Joe Biden

By Jan Worth-Nelson

In a brief press release issued Sunday night, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley and his wife, State House of Representative candidate Cynthia Neeley, issued what they called a “dual presidential endorsement” for former Vice President Joe Biden.

“Former Vice President Joe Biden has long been a friend of working people, and working alongside President Barack Obama, he has proven he is a strong supporter of the City of Flint,”  the statement read.

The statement said the two had come to their decision “after much prayer and consideration.”

Each offered their own individual statement about Biden.

Mayor Neeley said,  “In order to lift and move our community and nation forward, we are proud today to offer our support and partnership to Joe Biden,”

Cynthia Neeley’s statement read, “In light of all the challenges in Michigan and the water crisis in the City of Flint, we need strong leadership and a friend in the White House.”

Cynthia and Mayor Sheldon Neeley (Photo provided by the Neeleys)
Cynthia and Mayor Sheldon Neeley (Photo provided by the Neeleys)

The two offered their endorsement among what they called “a critical mass of supporters” coming forward to boost Biden’s campaign in the days leading up to the Tuesday, March 10 primary election.

The two offered their endorsement less than one day after presidential candidate Bernie Sanders came to Flint, appearing before a crowd of more than 1,000 at Ballenger Field House at Mott Community College.

Mayor Neeley was spotted at the Sanders rally, but did not take a role.

Cynthia Neeley also appears on the March 10 ballot as the Democratic candidate for the 34th state House District.

In February, former Flint Mayor Karen Weaver joined about two dozen current and former mayors across the country in endorsing Michael Bloomberg, who has of course now endorsed Biden.

Also on the ballot Tuesday is a 4.0  millage renewal request for debt retirement for the Flint Community School District and a .79  bond renewal request for capital improvements and renovation projects for Mott Community College.

Absentee ballots may be turned in through 8 p.m. Tuesday, the day of the election, to the City Clerk’s office. The Flint City Clerk’s Office is located at Flint City Hall, 2nd Floor, 1101 S. Saginaw Street, and can be reached by calling (810) 766-7414.

Citizens can locate their polling place at

EVM Editor Jan Worth-Nelson can be reached at