More cancellations: Woodside Church, Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence

In person worship cancelled at Woodside–statement received today:  

Based on recommendations from the Michigan Dept of Health and Human Services and our UCC [United Church of Christ] Michigan Conference, Woodside Church is suspending all activities including Sunday worship gatherings for the rest of March. Pastor Deb will be streaming an abbreviated worship on Sunday mornings, and the office will remain open. For more information, watch Facebook, check our website ( or subscribe to text alerts (text “woodside” to 31996).

Cancelled:  Michigan Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence Presents

                          The Gun Show

               A Non-Partisan Play About Guns

Thursday, March 19 @ 7 pm
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Flint
2474 S. Ballenger Hwy
Contact:  810-232-4023
MCPGV and Director Rob Roznowski are producing
The Gun Show, written by Playwright E.M. Lewis.
The one-actor play explores Ms. Lewis’s unique
perspective and relationship with guns and American
gun culture.  The Narrative leans neither left or right,
instead centers on the question-can we talk about this?
Ticket:  $5 Suggested Donation
Meta Peace Team
Michigan Faith in Action
Michigan Unitarian Universalist Justice Network
Pax Christi, Michigan
Peace Action of Michigan
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Flint
Woodside Outreach & Social Action Team
Any questions regarding these events, call UUCF at 810-232-4023
                                   Thank you!
Contact Person:  Terri Cross,, 810-347-9329
–EVM Staff