Covid-19 mobile testing to begin Wednesday, April 15 in Atwood Stadium Parking lot from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


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By Tom Travis

Mobile coronavirus testing will begin in Flint on Wednesday, April 15 from 10 a. m. to 2 p.m.  in the Atwood Stadium parking lot, Mayor Sheldon Neeley and State Representative Cynthia Neeley announced in a video press conference today.

About 250 to 500 tests, free of charge, will be given daily, only to residents who are exhibiting symptoms of the coronavirus or those employed in front line, public contact jobs such as grocery store clerks and fast food employees, they said.

The entrance to the Atwood Stadium parking area is one block west of Grand Traverse Street on West 1st Avenue or by turning south on Stone Street off University Avenue.

Mayor Neeley said the State of Michigan labs or laboratories contracted by the State will process the tests. Hurley Medical Center will communicate test results to test participants. Neeley did not say how long it would take to get results, noting this is all new and calling it “a work in progress.”

Neeley thanked local partners Hurley Hospital, Dr. Lawrence Reynolds and State Rep.  Neeley in obtaining the mobile testing site in Flint.  Rep. Neeley also mentioned that the State of Michigan has given Flint $300,000 for a “disparity clinic,” with details to come. Governor Gretchen Whitmer placed Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist in charge of a state wide COVID-19 racial disparity task force.

Mayor Neeley ended by encouraging residents to continue to shelter-in-place, obey social distancing rules, wash hands and to abide by the 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew that is still enforced.

EVM Staff Writer Tom Travis can be reached at