By Tom Travis
The Flint City Council will hold its second electronic council meeting since the coronavirus pandemic began at 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 13. The public may participate by viewing it on YouTube on the SpectacleTV account.
In an emailed press release issued Thursday, Deputy City Clerk/City Council Secretary, Davina Donahue stated in part that the meeting is a Flint City Council electronic public meeting in light of COVID-19 concerns., and noting City Hall is still closed to the public.
FPD collective bargaining, pot ordinance, root control, contracts on agenda
The agenda for Monday’s meeting includes 10 resolutions including root control services, vehicle purchases, engineering contracts, and Flint Police Department collective bargaining agreements.
Also on the agenda are three marijuana ordinances up for a second reading and adoption.
Residents can watch and participate in the meeting by viewing it on YouTube on the SpectacleTV account. Residents can also listen in by dialing 774-267-2928. If residents wish to speak to the council during the electronic meeting they must dial 774-267-2928.
The press release stated public speakers will be unmuted when it is their time to speak. Then the public speaker should state and spell their name for the record and will be allowed three minutes for public speaking. The public speaker will be muted after the three minutes is up.
Email or phone options for residents’ questions
Residents may also email their comments to the council at
The press release noted persons with disabilities can participate in the meeting by emailing at the above mentioned email for a request for accommodation or by calling the City Clerk at 810-766-7418.
The Special Affairs Committee, which usually meets at 4:30 p.m. before the regular city council meeting has been cancelled.
The press release was signed by City Council President Monica Galloway (7th Ward) and City Council Vice President Maurice Davis (2nd Ward). The last time the City Council met–and the first since the coronavirus closures began– was Monday, March 23, by electronic meeting as well.
EVM Assistant Editor Tom Travis can be reached at