Street sweeping is back, Mayor announces

The following press release came from the City of Flint today:

” For the first time in at least seven years, the City of Flint is deploying its street sweepers into residential areas. Mayor Sheldon Neeley announced today that a caravan cleanup crew has worked its way through 61 percent of the city — sweeping away years of neglect on more than 310 miles of neighborhood and local roads.

“The effort will continue throughout the summer until the entire city has been serviced, Mayor Neeley said. Road crews are on pace to finish sweeping all city streets in mid-September.

“The street surfaces are so dirty that Transportation Director John D. Daly is supplementing the street sweepers with a tanker truck, which is used to spray down the road surface to break up the caked-on dirt before the street sweepers come through. 

“We are cleaning up the City of Flint, and we are proud of it,” Mayor Sheldon Neeley said. “This is another important piece in our effort to fight blight. While we continue hammering away every day at the larger issues, we also recognize we have an ability to make an immediate impact by reintroducing street sweeping.

“The work is being done under the supervision of Daly, the former head of the Genesee County Road Commission who brings decades of experience to his job. 

“Also worth noting is that City of Flint crews also spent a substantial amount of time this spring cleaning out storm drains along the streets — a critical reason that Flint was able to avoid major flooding problems unlike other neighboring communities. Daly also was instrumental in updating the City of Flint’s Snow Removal Plan over the winter, which also resulted in better service to Flint neighborhoods. 
