Neighborhood Engagement Hub seeking volunteers for citywide cleanup – Saturday, May 15

The Neighborhood Engagement Hub is seeking volunteers to participate in Flint for a citywide cleanup day on Saturday, May 15.

During the cleanup, neighborhood groups and individual residents will be completing projects on more than 29 sites throughout the city’s nine wards.

Photo by Neighborhood Engagement Hub

The citywide cleanup is supported through a grant from the Mott Foundation, awarded through the Foundation’s Focus on Flint initiative. Mott granted $82,147 to the Neighborhood Engagement Hub to coordinate neighborhood cleanups in Flint after asking residents to vote on how to allocate $1 million in grants to strengthen neighborhoods.

Funds awarded to the Neighborhood Engagement Hub were divided among the city’s nine wards for Saturday’s cleanup event and a fall cleanup tentatively scheduled for September 18. Each group of residents selected materials needed for their cleanup sites, including dumpsters, lawn bags, trash pickers, rakes, and other materials.

(Photo source: Mott Foundation website)

The Neighborhood Engagement Hub is still recruiting volunteers to join cleanups at various sites throughout the city. Cleanup check-in sites are listed below. Click on the ward you wish to volunteer in for additional details and to sign up.

Ward 1: Hasselbring Park, 1002 W. Home Ave.
Ward 2: Fleming Rd. and Canniff St.
Ward 3: Martin Park, 6502 Stafford Place (Behind Martin School)
Ward 4: Washington Elementary Parking Lot, 1400 N. Vernon Ave. (Arlington between Missouri and Ohio)
Ward 5: Welch and Copeman, 809 Welch Blvd.
Ward 6: 2916 Sloan St. (behind Save A Lot)
Ward 7: Lot between Wood Land and Averill on Lippincott, 3451 Lippincott Blvd.
Ward 8: 2413 and 2417 Brown St.
Ward 9: Alvord Ave. and Fenton Rd. First Block, 4109 Fenton Rd.

The Neighborhood Engagement Hub was formed in October 2014 by a group of Flint residents seeking to empower community members to create vibrant neighborhoods. The organization’s mission is to strengthen and restore neighborhoods by providing a source for information, education, facilitation, project development, advocacy, and supportive equipment and materials.

EVM Staff can be reached at