East Village Magazine Readership Survey – Help Shape The EVM


East Village Magazine needs your help. After 43 years, we’ve reached a crossroad. We would greatly appreciate your input and assistance as we explore the possible future forks in that road.

Our crossroad is this: our staff is extremely small (volunteers and minimally paid reporters), and the

amount of local news which we feel needs to be covered has grown. Flint is a fascinating and vibrant community which we believe has many stories to tell. But there are too few of us to do the job we feel needs to be done.

Frankly, our staff is experiencing burn out, and we are now engaged in creating a strategic sustainability plan that we can move forward on. Among the alternatives being considered are:

  • Raise the funds to offer legitimate compensation for reporting, editing, layout, etc.,
  • Mount a focused campaign to recruit and expand EVM’s staff to cover the work load,
  • Cease the print publication and move totally on line,
  • Collaborate with other small local publications to expand coverage, or,
  • Worst case, close up shop.

We’d greatly appreciate if you fill the form below . We have valued your support over the years and hope that together, probably under a new and more inclusive name, we can move our unique publication into the future.

Also, if you are so inclined, please consider a donation to EVM.

On to the survey:

    About You
    Your first name

    Your last name

    Your email

    The Survey

    1. Where do you receive a copy of the EVM?
    (check all that apply)

    It’s delivered to my homePick it up at a local store, restaurant, office, the marketOn line

    2. How often do you read the EVM?

    Every monthIrregularly, at a restaurant, office, etcRegularly, irregularly on line

    3. If you receive EVM at your home, where do you live? We’d like to know whether our home deliveries are serving their purpose.

    4. Which articles do you read (chose all that apply)?

    5. Do you read EVM on line or in print? (chose all that apply)

    6. What do you like best about EVM?

    7. How long have you been reading EVM?

    8. If EVM were to move completely on line, would you continue to read it?

    9. Do you read the ads?

    10. Bottom line: would you make a donation or pay a small subscription fee to keep the EVM doors open?

    Are there things you don’t like or feel could be improved?

    If you have additional thoughts or ideas about EVM that you would like to share with us, please use the open space at the right to express them. Thank you so much!