Yard waste collection begins in Flint April 3



Yard waste collection begins April 3 in Flint

Yard waste collection begins Monday, April 3 for Flint residents. Yard waste is picked up weekly on residents’ normal trash collection days through Dec, 1, 2023. A separate truck collects yard waste on the same day as residents’ regularly scheduled trash day.

How yard waste should be placed at the curb

Compost materials should be placed at the curb at least 10 feet from regular trash no later than 7 a.m. on pickup day.

Acceptable yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, shrubs and brush trimmings, under six inches in diameter and less than 4 feet in length.

(Photo by Tom Travis)

All compost material must be placed in paper bags with a maximum capacity of 32 gallons, or an open container with a maximum capacity of 32 gallons, weighing less than 50 pounds.

Sod, pet waste, dirt, rocks, trash, root balls, branches, and plastics should not be included in yard waste bags.

Waste, compost, and recycling all are picked up on the same day. Residents can view the map of collection days here or at this link.

To report any problems with trash, recycling, or yard waste collection, call Priority Waste at (810) 410-1134.

(Photo source: Priority Waste website.)

Spring Cleanup Events

To have an neighborhood clean up event highlighted on City of Flint communication channels, organizers are asked to send information to news@cityofflint.com.

The Historic Carriage Town Neighborhood. (Photo by Tom Travis)

“As yard waste collection begins again, it’s time to welcome the return of Spring with neighborhood cleanup events throughout the city of Flint,” Mayor Sheldon Neeley said. “We look forward to partnering with residents to beautify parks and neighborhoods, and I can’t wait to get outside with neighbors and friends.”

Smith Village Neighborhood Cleanup March 30

The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative, a program of the City of Flint, will host a neighborhood cleanup Thursday, March 30, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Smith Village. Residents are invited to meet at the lot on Chippewa and Williams St. From there, the group will move to the lot on Wood and Avenue A.

Keep Genesee County Beautiful will provide supplies, and In The Beginning: First Ward Project will provide light refreshments. For more information, contact Neighborhood Planner Diana Johnson at dljohnson@cityofflint.com or (810) 766-7426 ext. 3037.

Mott Park Neighborhood Association Spring Park Cleanup April 22

The Mott Park Neighborhood Association will host a Spring Park Cleanup in partnership with Keep Genesee County Beautiful, Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The cleanup will begin at the Mott Park Clubhouse, located at 2401 Nolen Dr.

EVM can be contacted at eastvillagemagazine@gmail.com.