Land Bank seeks seasonal/temporary workers for $11/hour 40 hour work week on mowing and trash abatement crews

The Genesee County Land Bank (GCLB) is seeking Seasonal/Temporary employees to work on mowing and trash abatement crews. The details of the work schedule include $11/hour pay rate and 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday. The positions will run from May 28 to Sept. 17.

According to an email from the GCLB, the requirements for the job are that the applicant be at least 18 years old, have experience with landscape equipment such as trimmers, chain saws and zero turn mowers. Applicants will be expected to work an eight-hour shift which will include standing, walking, bending and lifting. There are no fringe benefits.

The maintenance and mowing of GCLB properties is part of a program called The Clean & Green program. The GCLB maintains 13,000 properties in Genesee County. The GCLB website claims that “The Clean & Green maintenance reduces crime, according to research by the University of Michigan, Youth Violence Prevention Center.”

The GCLB asks that those interested send their resume by June 5 to Duane Bickford, Property Manager,  Genesee County Land Bank, 452 S. Saginaw Street, Second Floor, Flint Michigan 48502. Or, resumes may be emailed to

–EVM Staff