Water shutoff, boil water advisory coming to East Court street neighborhoods Monday June 15

NOTE: According to a notice from the City, this work was postponed. No residents lost water today and no boil water advisory is being issued.

In response to a request from EVM, a city official said the work was postponed due to “a conflict with a storm sewer” and that no date has been set for the reschedule.


Water service to East Court Street neighborhoods is scheduled to be shut off for about four hours starting at 8 a.m. Monday morning followed by a 24-hour boil water advisory because of ongoing water main and repaving work.

Here is the press release issued today by the City of Flint:

As part of the ongoing water main replacement and repaving project on East Court Street, water service will be shut off starting at 8 a.m. for about four hours to nearby residents on Monday, June 15.  A precautionary boil water advisory also will be issued for the same area for the next 24 hours  when service is restored.A boil water advisory is NOT currently in effect.The areas expected to be impacted on Monday, June 15 are:

— Court Street from Kensington Street to Crapo Street

— Beard Street, East Fork Drive and Woodside Drive

—  Residents on Avon Street east of Court Street also may experience low pressure, but will not be included in the boil water advisory.

“The water shut off is expected to occur about 8 a.m. on Monday, June 15, 2020. Residents’ water service is expected to be impacted for approximately 4 hours, but it could last longer. When water service is restored, households in the affected area will be under a precautionary boil water advisory for at least 24 hours.

“Any residents who live in the area and lose water service even though they are not listed above affected areas also should follow the boil water advisory.

“We apologize for any inconvenience this will cause residents. The disruption in water service will allow crews to install a 24-inch transmission main and connect it to the existing water distribution system. This main has already been constructed, passed pressure testing and has been disinfected.

“The City of Flint Water Department will be working in conjunction with Diponio Contracting to facilitate the work as quickly as possible to limit the disruption in service.

“Water samples will be taken to ensure water quality meets all state drinking water standards. Provided the samples pass testing, the boil water notice is expected to be lifted after 24 hours.

Residents can sign up for email updates on the Court Street project here.

During the boil water advisory, which is expected to go into effect Monday after the water shutoff,

AS A PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE, DO NOT DRINK THE WATER WITHOUT BOILING IT FIRST.  Bring all FILTERED water to a boil, let it boil for one minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water.

If you are currently NOT using a filter to remove lead from drinking water, FLUSH your water for AT LEAST 7 minutes before collecting any to boil.  Boiled FILTERED, boiled FLUSHED, or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and preparing food.  Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water. Continue using boiled or bottled water until further notice.

Due to the pressure loss, there may be trapped air and loose sediment in your water lines. The air and sediment may be removed by flushing your water system.

DO NOT FLUSH YOUR SYSTEM THROUGH THE FILTER.  The resulting air and sediment may affect the performance of your filter and the filter cartridge should be replaced after the boil water advisory is lifted.This precautionary boil water notice shall remain in effect until results from the sampling verify the water is safe to drink.

Customers will be advised when the boil water advisory has been lifted.More information is available from the  City of Flint Water Department at (810) 766-7202.  General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1(800) 426-4791.”

–EVM Staff