Mayor Neeley on the death of John Lewis: “We have lost a great American hero”


Lewis (left) with Sheldon Neeley (Photo provided by the City of Flint)

Mayor Sheldon Neeley today issued the following statement on the passing of Congressman John Lewis:

“We have lost a great American hero. Congressman John Lewis leaves us after a lifetime dedicated to fighting nonviolently for equity and social justice. He unabashedly stood for what was right — always. I had the honor of repeatedly working alongside John Lewis while serving as chair of the Legislative Black Caucus in the state House of Representatives. John Lewis forever changed our world. We owe it to him and to all our forefathers of the Civil Rights movement to make sure the echoes of his footsteps march on through our own actions every day. I ask all praying people to join my family and I in praying for the friends and family of John Lewis as well as the country he spent his lifetime  trying to make a better place.”