St. Paul’s Episcopal Sunday concert cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns

The first concert scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 27 in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church recently resurrected live music series has been called off, Rector Dan Scheid announced today.

“I regret to inform  East Village Magazine readers that the recital scheduled for this Sunday, Sept. 27 is cancelled,”  Scheid posted on Facebook.

“This is due to the continued response to Covid-19, taking into account the governor’s orders and the directives from the Episcopal Dioceses in Michigan,”  Scheid said. “We are so sorry to disappoint, as we know how important this program is to Flint. We’re ‘pressing pause’ on the October recital to see if circumstances change and will alert you if we need to cancel that performance as well.”

Sunday’s concert was to have featured vocalists Joseph Baunoch and Daniel Ewart presenting “Opera Arias for Bass.”

The five-concert schedule had been recently announced by Holly Richardson, organizer of the series, called “Music in the Heart of the City.”  Richardson sent an email to the series’ supporters and donors confirming the cancellation.

–EVM Staff