Literacy Tutor Training Sessions Set


By Anne Trelfa

An opportunity to become a certified literacy tutor is being offered by the Genesee County Literacy Coalition starting Jan. 30. The Coalition will train volunteers to help adults learn to read, finish their GED process or learn English as a second language.

The two-session training program for new volunteers will be held at Trinity United Presbyterian Church 5151 Lennon Road, Flint, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday Jan. 30 and Saturday Feb. 6. Both days are required. Food and beverages will be provided.   A $15 book deposit is reimbursable upon completion of training and tutor requirements.

For more information or other ways to get involved supporting literacy in Genesee County, call 919-5078 or email at

Staff writer Anne Trelfa can be reached at