Author: East Village Magazine
East Village Magazine – October 2020
The latest issue of the East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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Shelter of Flint announces new president/CEO
Linda Bielskis has been appointed president and CEO of Shelter of Flint by the agency’s board of directors. Bielskis, who has 25 years’ experience in non-profit social service organizations joined Shelter of Flint on an interim basic March 2 as part of a transition plan after the retirement of Anne Grantner. She is a longtime…
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St. Paul’s Episcopal Sunday concert cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns
The first concert scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 27 in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church recently resurrected live music series has been called off, Rector Dan Scheid announced today. “I regret to inform East Village Magazine readers that the recital scheduled for this Sunday, Sept. 27 is cancelled,” Scheid posted on Facebook. “This is due to the continued…
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Pipeline replacement deadline Sept. 18, FNU reminds residents; census, blight, COVID testing, placemaking also discussed
By Coner Segren Reminders of the Sept. 18 pipeline replacement deadline, COVID-19 testing sites, the census, placemaking projects featuring porches, and ongoing efforts against blight were the main topics of discussion of the Sept. 12 meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU) conducted via Zoom because of the pandemic. The meeting was moderated by Theresa Roach,…
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Review: Flint native filmmaker’s latest production puts pandemic focus on frontline workers
By Harold C. Ford “Private industry really stepped up.” –Erin Brennan, emergency room physician “On the Line” is a refreshing antidote to a steady stream of stories about a chief executive who mishandled a pandemic and lied to the nation about its worst health crisis in a hundred years. A short film, lasting less than…
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Review: Provocative “Black Matters” exhibit continues at FIA through Oct. 11
By Harold C. Ford “On a daily basis, every moment, black folks are being bombarded with images of our death and after a while that does something to your psyche. It’s literally saying, ‘Black people, you might be next. You will be next.’ ” …Matthew Wead, artist The black and white woodcut prints of Matthew…
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Low income and marginalized voters face many challenges, Neighborhoods Without Borders panel warns
By Coner Segren With fewer than three months until election day, and fewer than three weeks until mail-in ballots begin going out, Michigan voters still are facing a high degree of uncertainty around a national election that will be unprecedented in the modern era. In an effort to educate potential voters, the group Neighborhoods Without…
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Overview: Fifth Flint Youth Film Festival powered through the pandemic, thanks to teamwork and YouTube
By Patsy Isenberg COVID-19 has thrown a big hit to performance arts and entertainment. Visual arts are coming back, now that the FIA and galleries in the area have reopened. Theatre is the most challenging since audience members could wear masks and social distance in their seats but the performers need the freedom to interact…
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