Author: East Village Magazine

  • Restoring a duck decoy

    Restoring a duck decoy By Grayce Scholt I touch acrylic paint to neck, to wing following my father’s curve of knife, of brush; I daub an even falser life on this that sixty years before bobbed Judas-like on a Lake Erie bay and living wings would swoop to join the silent flock– Bang! My father’s…

  • Bicycle culture rolling around new spokes in Flint

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    By Andrew Keast and Jan Worth-Nelson If anybody provides evidence that Flint might be transforming itself – from the wheels up — into a bicycle-friendly culture, it’s Danny Moilanen, 28, owner of Vehicle City Tacos and a self-described “social cycler.” In 2012, he and a few of his friends created the Thursday Night Party Ride,…

  • Atwood hosted decades of Thanksgiving sports dramas: ice, snow, mud, diversity, dancing

    Atwood hosted decades of Thanksgiving sports dramas:  ice, snow, mud, diversity, dancing By Lawrence R. Gustin Editor’s note:  Gustin, a Flint native, writer and much-published historian of Flint’s automotive past, agreed to contribute this reminiscence of Atwood Stadium – including the almost 50-year-long series of Thanksgiving Day contests between Flint Central and Flint Northern high…