Author: East Village Magazine
Second City Hall employee death from COVID-19 confirmed; 11 testing positive as response protocols proceed
By Jan Worth-Nelson This story has been updated as of 5:30 p.m. Monday City of Flint officials confirmed today that two city hall employees have now died of COVID-19, and 11 other city employees “are known to have tested positive,” according to a statement released late this afternoon. The first death, that of neighborhood safety…
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City of Flint Customer Service still closed Monday, May 18
Notice from the City of Flint, announced today (Sunday) For Immediate Release: City of Flint Customer Service remains temporarily closed The City of Flint’s customer service department will remain temporarily closed on Monday, May 18 after being impacted by COVID-19. For urgent needs, such as water service reconnection, residents can call (810) 410-2020 for assistance.
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Commentary: We are NOT equally at risk for COVID-19. Racism makes all the difference
Editor’s Note: This essay is a response to a recent commentary by Dick Ramsdell posted here.We welcome the expression of divergent views and hope they will foster respectful discussion. It is reprinted from Woodside World, the newsletter of Woodside Church of Flint, where Pastor Conrad is senior minister. By Deborah Conrad This week, a white man…
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Despite inmate releases and lockdown restrictions, Flint crime rate and response time tick down, city reports
By Jan Worth-Nelson As the city adapts to effects of the coronavirus pandemic and prepares for the summer, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley and key representatives of local law enforcement convened via Zoom today in a press conference, announcing that while homicides have ticked up, the city of Flint’s overall crime rate is down slightly, and…
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Rehab manufacturing company ramps up production to protect nonprofits, disabled from COVID-19
By Madeleine Graham The coronavirus crisis has created emergency needs to protect people in many sectors of the community. One of those sectors is the nonprofit community employing and serving the disabled. In the face of those escalating COVID-19 demands, a Flint township nonprofit vocational rehabilitation company, Peckham, Inc, at 3080 S. Linden Rd., is…
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Grants available now for Flint African-American small businesses for COVID reopening costs
Small businesses locally owned and run by African Americans can now apply for $5,000 each to help cover costs for reopening safely as the state eases its coronavirus restrictions. The “Restart Flint & Genesee Grant Program” was launched May 6 with $200,000 from the Consumers Energy Foundation, which donated the funds to the Genesee Chamber…
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Commentary: As the lockdowns end, the responsibility lies with us
By Dick Ramsdell Whether we call ourselves Children of God. lost souls, homo sapiens, or simply human beings, there are almost 8 billion of us on the small ball in space which we call Planet Earth, and we make up a veritable playground for what has emerged as our universal enemy: The Virus. It doesn’t…
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East Village Magazine – May 2020
The latest edition of The East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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Flint Neighborhoods United resumes meetings via Zoom
By Tammy Beckett More than 40 community leaders and representatives of neighborhood groups signed onto Zoom Saturday for a remote meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU), adhering to Gov. Whitmer’s stay-at-home orders. The group heard a plea for consideration of trash pickup employees, received an overview of community resources, and reviewed opportunities to engage in…
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Commentary: Kent State at 50–no redemption for a failing America
By Jan Worth-Nelson I didn’t want to write this. I didn’t want to think about it. It was awful, and there was nothing good about it that I can think of. And with the state of the nation the worst of my lifetime and in my view bound to get worse, reflecting on the Kent…
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