Author: East Village Magazine
Review: Kent State shootings 50 years later–graphic narrative offers sober account
By Harold C. Ford “Tin soldiers and Nixon coming/We’re finally on our own This summer I hear the drumming/Four dead in Ohio” …Ohio, Lyrics by Neil Young For many, if not most, graphic publications conjure up images of comic books with fanciful tales and accompanying illustrations. Author-artist Derf Backderf smashes that stereotype with his just-released…
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Coronavirus Diaries: Seven EVM writers report from their own lives
Editor’s Note: Like everyone else, all of East Village Magazine‘s staff — none of whom are full-time employees and who juggle many other lives — have been sheltering in place since late March. We’ve stayed in touch by email and phone, and had one Zoom writers’ meeting where we rejoiced in seeing each other’s faces–from…
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Commentary: A beloved neighbor and nurse humanizes the COVID-19 crisis
By Paul Rozycki With the 24/7 news coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are days when the story becomes nothing more than a blur of infection numbers, death rates, protests, presidential press conferences, and predictions about when the curve will flatten, or when a vaccine with be found. When the tsunami of news and numbers…
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Commentary: Maybe music helped Flint in 1918 — and arts and culture can do it for us now
By Rodney Lontine Arts and culture offer much-needed healing in difficult times The Community Music Association was founded by J. Dallas Dort during World War I in 1917. Both J. Dallas and his wife Nellie were accomplished musicians. He played the cello, and their Kearsley Street home in Flint was fitted with an Aeolian pipe organ he liked…
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Local nursery owner coping with restrictions tells gardeners: keep tilling the soil for that “Covid-19 Victory Garden”
By Darlene C. Carey Amid the Covid-19 fears, the protest echoes, and silent spring of 2020, there lie the roots of Michiganders’ voices. Deeply embedded is the tradition of doing and going. It is no wonder people are so entrenched in their convictions about what they can and cannot do, willing to risk so much,…
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Coronavirus Diary #2 — In Pandemic America 2020, Flint knows we are “collateral damage in a rigged deck casino”
Ed. Note: Here is the second of an East Village Magazine’s new feature, the Coronavirus Diaries — personal accounts and commentary from our writers to attempt to capture some of what we’ve all been going through and reflecting on what it means. By Robert Thomas Like an old crow perched on the very thin wire of…
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Flint Community Schools implementing pandemic response plan with Mott Foundation aid
As the Flint Community Schools (FCS) district grapples with needs for remote learning with all schools closed in the pandemic crisis, a new grant from the C.S. Mott Foundation aims to expand internet access for FCS students and keep them safe through a filtering app. A Foundation grant of $163,000 to the FCS will be…
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Ananich on the water crisis sixth anniversary: Hoping for justice, but “Man, could Flint just catch a break?”
By Jan Worth-Nelson Sitting in a small room in the State Capitol waiting for a floor vote Friday afternoon, State Sen. Jim Ananich, also Senate Minority Leader, made a call to Flint. He had agreed to offer updates to East Village Magazine, all of whose staff are sheltering in place, about the sixth anniversary of…
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Education Beat: Flint schools board adopts deficit elimination plan, dismisses three administrators
By Harold C. Ford At its April 21 meeting, conducted via Zoom, the Flint Community Schools (FCS) Board of Education adopted an amended Enhanced Deficit Elimination Plan (EDEP) to send to the State of Michigan for review. The board also dismissed three building administrators for “performance issues” without detail provided to the public. Further, not…
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