Author: East Village Magazine
Commentary: An open letter to my Republican friends
By Paul Rozycki To my Republican friends: While we may disagree on many things, there is no doubt that the Republican Party has a long and honorable history. It led the nation through a brutal civil war, ending slavery. It was an early advocate for civil rights and racial equality, in the years following that…
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Galloway issues statement on Eric Mays’ behavior: “unacceptable”
By Jan Worth-Nelson In the wake of an uproar created by Flint City Councilman Eric Mays repeatedly displaying the Nazi salute at two council meetings this week and allusions to Council President Monica Galloway as Hitler, Galloway (Ward 7) released the following statement: “As the Flint City Council President, I want to say that,…
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Review: “Power, Participation, and Protest in Flint, Michigan” probed in Ashley Nickels’ enlightening new book
By Robert Thomas An abiding iconic Flint visual for me is the news photo of a child holding a protest sign stating the case for what happened in Flint: “I’ve been POISONED by Policy.” The photo quickly leads to the question: “How does that happen?” Ashley E. Nickels, a professor of political science at…
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Flint councilperson Eric Mays repeatedly makes Nazi salutes at consecutive meetings; Jewish Federation responds
By Tom Travis and Melodee Mabbitt Flint City Councilperson Eric Mays repeatedly made Nazi salutes towards Council President Monica Galloway during and after two recent council meetings. The Jan. 15 special meeting of Flint City Council began with calls for apologies after Mays made Nazi salutes on the dais at the regular council meeting two…
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Flint City Council meeting marked by failed attempt to remove Mays, postponed business, racial accusations
By Melodee Mabbitt and Tom Travis Rather than working on agenda items, Flint’s City Council instead fought amongst themselves at all of the committee meetings leading up to Monday’s regular council meeting. What resulted was a seven-hour long city council meeting marked by a failed attempt to remove Councilperson Eric Mays, council members being removed…
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Flint City Council kicks off 2020 with chaos, yelling, members stalking out early, no work done
By Tom Travis and Melodee Mabbitt Returning from the season of “Peace On Earth and Good Will To All” the City of Flint’s legislative body disintegrated into chaos and utter dysfunction at its first meeting of 2020. The City Council’s meeting Wednesday was a finance committee meeting with a 16-page agenda. The committee room was overflowing with…
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Education Beat: New president Casey Lester to FCS board: “I’m going to need your help”
By Harold C. Ford The newest member of the Flint Board of Education, Casey Lester, will preside over the board in 2020. At its annual organizational meeting Jan. 8, Lester was the unanimous and uncontested choice of all seven members of the board, which governs the Flint Community Schools (FCS), to serve as president for…
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Cynthia Neeley wins nomination over nine Dems in 34th District primary; turnout 6.7 percent
By Paul Rozycki The last two months have been very good for the Neeley family. In November Sheldon Neeley was elected mayor of Flint. And in a short campaign, conducted during the holiday season, Cynthia Neeley outpolled nine other candidates in the primary election Tuesday to win the Democratic nomination for the 34th state House…
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Psychological effects of water crisis, blight, meter replacement among FNU January topics
By Tammy Beckett Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU) kicked off the new year at their monthly meeting Jan. 4 with a presentation about the psychological effects of the Flint water crisis, admonitions to get water meters replaced, and facilitated discussion from FNU President Carma Lewis about what the gathering of mostly civic leaders should pursue in…
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Eight of ten Democrats in 34th district primary race face off in forum
By Paul Rozycki Eight of the ten Democrats competing to fill Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley’s seat in the State House for the 34th district faced each other in a forum at Joy Tabernacle Church in Civic Park on Jan. 3, only four days before the Democratic primary. On the panel were 3rd Ward Councilman Santino…
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