Author: East Village Magazine
Review: “Gamma Rays” captures troubled family at The Rep through Sept. 22
By Patsy Isenberg Events in the lives of a dysfunctional family with mental health and medical problems and who are doomed financially are portrayed compellingly at The Flint Repertory Theatre (The Rep) in the play, “The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds.” The production continues through Sunday at the Elgood Theatre, 1220 E. Kearsley…
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Eight women and the natural world featured in Buckham Gallery “Field Work” show
By Jeffery L Carey, Jr. Buckham Gallery’s latest show, Field Work, highlights eight female artists, but Buckham’s Exhibition Director Michele Leclaire asserted “it is not about being a female artist…an exhibition of this caliber should inspire all artists and art lovers.” Nonetheless, the show was sponsored by Marylin Steele and the Dorothy Olsen Fund, LeClaire said, specifically…
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Immigrants’ contributions to Genesee County celebrated in Welcoming Week
By Jan Worth-Nelson Immigrants are helping offset population decline and contributed more than $100 million in taxes to Genesee County, according to a new national survey based on 2017 numbers. In recognition of those and other benefits of immigrants in the community, a “Welcoming Week” is underway through Sept. 22. The celebration, which incorporated the…
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Carriage Town housing proposal draws protest; Fifth Ward residents speak out
By Tom Travis At its regular meeting Monday, Sept. 9, the Flint City Council declined to consider a resolution regarding a controversial affordable housing development in Carriage Town, after Councilperson Jerri Winfrey-Carter, whose ward includes the contested parcel, declared, “I’m going to fight this nail and tooth…because my constituents do not want this.” In other…
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Motion to prevent hiring ombudsperson denied; process moving forward
By Melodee Mabbitt Seventh Judicial Circuit Court Judge F. Kay Behm denied a motion to prevent the hiring of an ombudsperson filed by Linda Pohly, a Flint resident with a complaint before the court alleging that the City of Flint failed to follow the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and the Flint…
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Public hearing on Flint’s alleged failures to follow charter 10 a.m. Tuesday
TRO denied: see followup story here: By Melodee Mabbitt A hearing is scheduled at 10 am. tomorrow, Sept. 10, before Seventh Judicial Circuit Court Judge F. Kay Behm on the complaint filed by Linda Pohly alleging that the City of Flint failed to follow the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and…
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East Village Magazine – September 2019
The latest issue of the East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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Education Beat: Flint schools test scores show modest gain, still lag behind area, state averages
By Harold C. Ford Test scores for students in Flint Community Schools (FCS) showed modest gains in 2018-2019, but lagged significantly behind “similar students” and state averages, according to data released the last week of August by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) scores in Grades 3-7 show…
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Flint City Council chaos continues: Mays and Gilcreast’s attorney face off
By Tom Travis Meeting in committee sessions Wednesday night, the Flint City Council’s attempt to get answers from City Hall about the handling of bids and rebids for restoration work following water pipeline replacement in the city ended in a shouting match between First Ward Councilman Eric Mays and the attorney for Mayor Karen Weaver’s…
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This Month in the Village: September Features
In the Village, the month of September features a car show, Bikes on the Bricks, The Artwalk, and much more: Click here for a larger view
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