Author: East Village Magazine
Commentary: Water shutoffs do no one any good
By Laura Sullivan In 2015, Dr. Sullivan, a Kettering University professor of mechanical engineering, worked with other activists as part of the Coalition for Clean Water to return the city of Flint to Detroit for its water supply. Since then, she has helped to coordinate positive interactions between residents, local physicians, researchers, journalists, the City…
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City Council fails to override Weaver’s budget veto: next steps uncertain
By Meghan Christian Flint City Council (FCC) did not have the six votes needed to override Mayor Karen Weaver’s veto of the amended budget they proposed at a special city council meeting at 11 a.m. today. The proposed budget included eight amendments, totaling a $267,000 difference in what the council wants and what the Mayor…
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Review: Flint welcomes “The Moth” in celebratory night downtown
By Patsy Isenberg and Jan Worth-Nelson Perhaps the biggest stories of all about last Thursday’s performances of “The Moth” storytelling show at the Capitol Theater weren’t about “The Moth” at all. There are at least four other options: That the performance was in the Capitol Theater, spectacularly renovated and gleaming since its $37 million facelift…
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Mayor vetoes City Council budget on $267,000 difference, override vote attempt set
By Meghan Christian and Jan Worth-Nelson A version of a 2018-2019 city budget proposal calling for eight amendments approved six to three June 4 by the Flint City Council was vetoed Monday by Mayor Karen Weaver. The $267,000 difference in what the council wants and what the Mayor wants represents one half of one percent…
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Five-day “Freedom Festival” honoring Juneteenth kicks off June 15
By Jan Worth-Nelson A five-day long Juneteenth “Freedom Festival” in north Flint starting Friday aims to honor the June 19, 1865 freeing of the slaves in Texas. But that’s not all. Organizer April Cook-Hawkins says after a bruising four years of the water crisis, it’s time to have some fun. That means parades, cookouts, rallies,…
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Commentary: Beyond the water crisis, another Flint crisis looms
By Paul Rozycki In its own clumsy way the Flint water crisis seems to be slowly drifting to some sort of resolution. Most scientific reports are showing a significant reduction in the lead levels in our water. As a result the state has ended its distribution of free water at its water points of distribution…
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Review: “JFK: The Last Speech” juxtaposes power, the arts, and eloquence with a local angle
By Ed Bradley The reflective new documentary JFK: The Last Speech recalls a time when not only could it be assumed that the American president knew how to spell the word “poetry,” but also that he could recite verse at an important event without an eyebrow being raised or a pundit shouting. Still, John F. Kennedy’s…
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East Village Magazine – June 2018
The latest issue of the East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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Genesee County Medical Society departs from Hurley docs on “lead-poisoned” word choice
By Jan Worth-Nelson Emphasizing, “there is no safe amount of lead to be ingested by children, pregnant women, or any person daily for 15 months without any risk to health and/or development,” the Genesee County Medical Society has chosen not to concur with a recent decision by the Hurley Medical Center doctors to use the…
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