Author: East Village Magazine
John Cherry makes 49th District State House run official; kicks off campaign
By Paul Rozycki Saying “We need leaders that show a genuine dedication to the public, whether or not it is easy or convenient for them,” John Cherry became the third Democrat to declare his candidacy to replace term-limited Phil Phelps in Michigan’s 49th state House district. On a snowy Saturday morning, he greeted a crowd of…
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42 percent vacant: Forum explores Flint’s “everyday remaking of place” after abandonments
By Jan Worth-Nelson Forty-two percent of Flint’s properties are vacant — 24,000 of them –and their presence, appearing to some like tombstones, to others like hopeful patches of gardens or clover, to others annoyances swamped by unmowed grass or decaying trash–has become one of the uneasy visual realities of a city in transition. A panel…
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Whitmer introduces herself to Flint, challenges Detroit Dems’ reported doubts
By Jan Worth-Nelson Declaring “Michigan deserves better” than a GOP-led regime she said has created a state which “hardly resembles the Michigan I think of when I talk about my Michigan pride,” Democratic candidate for governor Gretchen Whitmer introduced herself to about 25 Flint students, retirees, educators, activists and assorted Democrats Tuesday afternoon in the…
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Review: Sloan exhibit captures persistent intertwining threads of race and housing in Flint history
By Dylan Doherty “An Equal Opportunity Lie,” a new exhibit highlighting the intertwining influences of race and housing in the history of Flint, opened at the Sloan Museum on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 15 and runs until May 28. The title is a quote from Floyd McCree, Flint’s first black mayor, who resigned…
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Transparency, transition to AECOM highlight first mayor’s FAST Start forum
By Meghan Christian With a stated effort toward transparency, Mayor Karen Weaver held the first of several community forums planned for 2018 on Thursday, Feb. 1 to update residents on the progress of the FAST Start pipe replacement program and to introduce AECOM, the company that has come on as project manager for the work.…
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East Village Magazine – February 2018
The latest issue of the East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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Gerrymandering Part Three: going to court
By Paul Rozycki Just when you thought you’ve heard enough about gerrymandering, and the ballot proposals to end it—there is one more line of attack. Now the courts are getting involved. Two previous columns in past issues of East Village Magazine (Part One here, Part Two here) have outlined the problems and history of gerrymandering, drawing oddly shaped…
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Daughter of immigrants, Mona Hanna-Attisha details Flint’s disaster and hope: an analysis
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Frederick Douglass (Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha’s favorite quote) By Harold C. Ford Several dozen area residents gathered at the Flint Public Library Jan. 9 to hear Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha reflect on Flint’s proud and challenging history, including the evolution of and response to the…
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Tree issues, city charter implementation highlight CCNA meeting
By Patsy Isenberg A disputed tree-replacement contract and concerns about tree removals were topics of the January meeting of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association, along with updates about plans for Pierce Park, discussion of progress in implementing the city’s new charter, and concerns about suspected drug activity on Court Street. CCNA President Mike Keeler and…
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