Author: East Village Magazine
The fabric of Flint: Good Beans owner Ken Van Wagoner weaves coffee, community spirit
By Jeffery L Carey Jr Despite the travails of Flintstones, there is an underlying spirit–or as Ken Van Wagoner, owner of one of Flint’s enduring hangouts, the Good Beans Café, describes it, “a shared feeling of tenacity” where “we’re all a fabric that is holding each other together.” He himself is a prime example of…
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Review: Flint welcomes Lakisha home in joyful combo with Flint Symphony, Michigan Men’s Glee Club
By Patsy Isenberg On a frigid Saturday night at The Whiting Auditorium, Flint’s own Lakisha Jones, a 2007 fourth place finalist on American Idol, came home for a love-fest performance with the Flint Symphony Orchestra. It was Jan. 13 and Jones’s 38th birthday. Eugene Rogers conducted and the Michigan Men’s Glee Club added their voices…
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Review/Commentary: “Destiny of the Republic” a timely look at an honorable president
“When he (James Garfield) was still a very young man, he had hidden a runaway slave… In Congress, he fought for equal rights for freed slaves. He argued for a resolution that ended the practice of requiring blacks to carry a pass in the nation’s capital, and he delivered a passionate speech for black suffrage…‘Let us…
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Flint Council starts 2018 with unanimous decisions on appointments, housing service charge
By Meghan Christian The Flint City Council unanimously approved three appointments at their Jan. 8 meeting, and also amended three city ordinances that will allow development projects to pay a service charge in lieu of taxes as long as certain quality standards are maintained. Flint residents Charlotte P. Edwards and Rev. Herbert Miller II were…
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Village Life: How new digs in Flint made a doggie dream come true
By Meghan Christian This is about a dream of puppy love coming true, right on the east side of Flint. About a year into our relationship, my boyfriend Chad and I started talking about getting a dog. We would sit on the futon in our cramped, one-bedroom apartment and dream about what kind of dog…
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Flint’s “Idol” Lakisha Jones, Flint Symphony coming to Whiting Jan.13
By Patsy Isenberg Back in 2007, Flint native Lakisha Jones was a finalist in TV’s American Idol competition. Jones wowed America and the judges, coming in fourth place and beating out thousands of singers across the country. And now she’s set to perform in her hometown, at 8 p.m. Jan. 13. onstage at The Whiting…
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East Village Magazine – January 2018
The latest issue of the East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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City-wide youth basketball league launching in January
by Harold C. Ford A boost for basketball in Flint is arriving in 2018, with the launch of a new city-wide youth basketball league starting Jan. 6. For some, the announcement sets off hopes for a return of Flint’s faded reputation as a formidable basketball town. But for those involved in the planning, what matters…
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Health in their hands: Flint’s sixth graders share “community action” science projects
by Harold C. Ford More than 200 sixth graders from six Flint Community Schools shared results of their “community action projects” with peers, parents, press, and others Dec. 12 at Flint’s Riverfront Banquet Center. The students had been studying Type 2 diabetes in their science classes as part of a new project-based curriculum titled “Health…
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