Author: East Village Magazine
Meet the Candidates: City Council–Vote Nov. 7!
Meet the Candidates: City Council List of candidates: (Two top vote getters per ward from the Aug. 5 primary) Ward One: Anita Brown and Eric Mays Ward Two: Maurice D. Davis and Jackie Poplar Ward Three: Santino Guerra and Kerry L. Nelson Ward Four: Michael Doan and Kate Fields Ward Five: Wantwaz Davis and Jerri…
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For a Las Vegas native, difference between virtual and real hit home
By Dylan Doherty I was hesitant when my fiancée, Kelsey Ronan, suggested I write for East Village Magazine. Unlike her, I was not born in Flint, Michigan, or even the Midwest. I didn’t have the fascination and dedication to the city where I spent twenty years of my youth that Kelsey displayed for Flint. Instead…
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East Village Magazine – October 2017
The latest issue of the East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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Village Life: Wilbur the “Flint Strong” dog, tangled vines and a city’s fate
By Jan Worth-Nelson In a conference room at City Hall recently after a typically chaotic council meeting, Councilman Herbert Winfrey leaned across a table and said something that stuck in my brain. He said, “A city is what it accepts.” I’m still thinking about that. It’s a sunny Wednesday, late September, and the heat has…
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City Council still says no to GLWA: “I’d rather go to jail,” Van Buren declares
By Jan Worth-Nelson As the court-appointed mediator and two attorneys for the city council sat quietly in the back of the room, eight of nine Flint City Council members today vociferously declared they “will not be bullied” into agreeing to a water supply contract they are not ready to sign. The special session in city…
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Tree removal funds, Flint Fresh, crime and safety among CCNA highlights
By Kim Owens On the eve of autumn’s return, the College Cultural Neighborhood Association’s monthly meetings resumed appropriately with a discussion of trees. After introducing the 2017-2018 officers, President Mike Keeler thanked the group for helping the neighborhood protect its trees. Several motions have been made to the Flint City Council regarding funds for trimming…
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Commentary on the mayoral recall: why your ballot will be different
By Paul Rozycki For the fourth time in as many mayors, Flint’s mayor is facing a recall election. However, unlike the recall of Woodrow Stanley in 2002, the near-recall of Don Williamson (before resignation) in 2009, and the attempted recall of Dayne Walling in 2010, this November’s recall election will be different—and may surprise voters.…
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“Where are the journalists?” Part One: threats to local news persist as Flint Journal dwindles
“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom…of the press…” First Amendment, United States Constitution “Journalism is the only profession explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution, because journalists are supposed to be the check and balance on government. We’re supposed to be holding those in power accountable. We’re not supposed to be their megaphone. That’s what…
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Expanded LadyFest returns to Flint with more art, more empowerment
By Dylan Doherty Flint is not a stereotypical artists’ scene, but “is not bereft of art,” according to Janice McCoy, art coordinator of LadyFest, a Flint event that returned for the second year Sept. 15-17 in four downtown locations. “There are jazz nights, art walks, and film showings at the Flint Institute of Art,” she…
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