Author: East Village Magazine
Crim moments: 88-year-old finishes, Hurley team’s work “down to a science”
By Darlene C. Carey When more than 15,000 runners, walkers, and spectators flooded the Flint streets for the 41st Crim Festival of Races Aug. 27, one face among the many at the finish line stood out. That was Margaret Rough, 88, walking her 25th year in the Crim. Sporting a bright yellow hard hat and…
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Who owns that house down the street? “Flint Property Portal” goes live with answers
By Dylan Doherty Flint residents have a new way to find and report information about properties in the city–from who owns them, to demolition status, to building conditions–thanks to a new website that went live Aug. 21. Training sessions on how to use the Flint Property Portal will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Aug. 28…
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Detroit 1967: a movie, a book, and a searing memory of when the riots hit Flint
by Harold C. Ford “A riot is the language of the unheard.” —Martin Luther King “The officer hit him and said, ‘We’re going to kill all of you black-ass nigger pimps and throw you in the river. We’re going to fill up the Detroit River with all you pimps and whores’” –from The Algiers Motel…
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CCNA residents, on edge after crimes, meet to consider options, deterrence
By Kim Owens Faced with a roomful of more than 50 College Cultural Neighborhood residents on edge after a spate of recent crimes, Flint Police Chief Tim Johnson attempted to offer reassurance at an Aug. 17 meeting of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association (CCNA) neighborhood watch group. “We’re in a battle, we’re on the battle…
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Print show honoring DAS Print great William Stolpin opening at FIA Sept. 16
By Jan Worth-Nelson Note: Sadly, we have been notified that Bill died this morning, Aug. 21. Considering how much he loved space, it seems right that the sun will go dark as he passes to the other side. RIP, William Stolpin. William Stolpin, one of two remaining members of the legendary Southeast Michigan artists’…
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Review: Quoting Comey,”The Chickenshit Club” eyes why the DOJ goes easy on bankers
By Robert R. Thomas My wife, a retired librarian, came across a blurb for this book, of which she said, “This looks to be right up your alley.” She was correct, as usual, on many levels. I am hardly the only American who has never been satisfied by any answers as to why no banksters…
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Review: small turnout, big enthusiasms fill Meadow at Flint Jazz Festival
By Sherrema A. Bower “I’ll go where the jazz goes,” retiree Lamont Jones, 61, said during last weekend’s 36th Annual Flint Jazz Festival, Aug. 11-13. Jones was one of a small but enthusiastic crowd enjoying a fusion of jazz music, jazz lovers, and good food at The Meadow in the Flint Cultural Center. The event…
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Democratic candidates for governor address Flint issues at UM-Flint forum
By Paul Rozycki Flint may have just completed one election and is facing another this November, but that didn’t discourage the Progressive Caucus of Mid-Michigan, the Progressive Caucus of Flint, Michigan People’s Campaign and the UM-Flint College Democrats, from sponsoring the first forum for the 2018 governor’s nomination in Flint. The forum, held at the…
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Dispensary expansion, cell phone tower permits OK’d by Flint Planning Commission
By Dylan Doherty Permits for an expansion of a medical marijuana facility and for construction of a 150-foot downtown wireless telephone tower were unanimously granted by the Flint Planning Commission at its Aug. 8 meeting. As a required part of the process, the planning commission held public hearings and site plan reviews for both Verizon…
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East Village Magazine – August 2017
The latest issue of the East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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