Author: Tom Travis
Art Review: “Whatever Gets You Through the Night” explored at latest Mott-Warsh exhibit
By Harold C. Ford “Whatever Gets You Through the Night” is the current exhibit at the Mott-Warsh (MW) Gallery, 815 S. Saginaw St. (corner of Court and Saginaw streets), Flint. The exhibit ends Aug. 20. According to Stephanie James, director and curator of the Mott-Warsh collection, the exhibit is in response to the angst-inducing issues…
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City’s financial peril thwarted with $220 million boost from State coffers
By Tom Travis An infusion of $220 million into the city’s coffers from the State Treasury will give enduring relief to the city’s finances. On July 6, Mayor Sheldon Neeley announced the City of Flint will receive $220 million from State budget allocations to fund the city’s pension costs. That allocation is part of the…
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City Council Beat: Lead line replacements and restorations to begin as council approves $17.8-million contract
By Tom Travis City of Flint residents can expect remaining lead line replacements and restorations to sidewalks, curbs and yards to begin in the coming weeks. At its Monday meeting, the city council approved a $17.8 million contract with LGC Global, based in Detroit, to take on the mammoth task of completing more than 400…
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Sports Beat: Flint City Bucks booted from USL2 Semifinal after strong season
By Harold C. Ford The Flint City Bucks soccer club was booted from the United States League Two (USL2) semifinal in Des Moines by Ventura County Fusion FC (football club) July 31. The California club prevailed 2-1 and will host the championship match Aug. 6. Ventura County scored its goal on a magnificent bend-it-like-Beckham goal…
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Election Beat: Primary voters choose nominees — Neeley, Weaver, Dixon win, advance to November
By Paul Rozycki The August primary election in Genesee County saw nearly 23 percent of voters cast ballots as they chose the nominees for the November election. That is slightly higher than the average turnout for most August primaries county-wide. However, the Flint turnout was below average at a little more than 14 percent, with…
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Education Beat: Flint Board of Education — Some good news stories and some same old stories
By Harold C. Ford [Editors’ Note: Harold C. Ford, East Village Magazine’s (EVM) education reporter, had intended to write a July piece featuring some good news stories he’d collected about Flint Community Schools (FCS) in the past few months. But, alas, the Flint Board of Education (FBOE) meeting he witnessed on July 20 was likely…
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Village Life: At 76, he’s run marathons in all 50 states and the Great Wall of China
By Tom Travis From the Great Wall of China to the Hoover Dam, Ortonville resident Jay Cummings, 76, experiences life 26 miles at a time — again and again. A retired United Church of Christ minister, he’s a devoted marathon runner who finds the discipline of his chosen sport to be good for his body…
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Neeley, Weaver, and Mays respond to voters’ questions at Mott Park forum
By Paul Rozycki With a forum that could have been titled “Two Mayors and Mays,” incumbent Mayor Sheldon Neeley, former Mayor Karen Weaver, and city council member Eric Mays responded to questions from a standing-room-only audience of Mott Park residents for more than an hour and a half on Monday evening. In the park-like setting…
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Sports Beat: Flint City Bucks power into playoffs, Central Conference Championship match vs. Des Moines Menace July 29
By Harold C. Ford * * * * * United States League Two Central Conference Championship Flint City Bucks at Des Moines Menace Friday, July 29, 8:15 p.m. EDT Valley Stadium, 4400 Mills Civic Pkwy, West Des Moines, IA 50265 Online video transmission at * * * * * The Flint City Bucks…
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Education Beat Flint Board of Education: Some same old stories and some good news stories
By Harold C. Ford [Editors’ Note: The Flint Board of Education (FBOE) meeting witnessed on July 20 was troubling to cover for Harold C. Ford, East Village Magazine’s (EVM) education reporter. For purposes of readability and thematic tidiness, EVM is dividing this month’s Education Beat report into two parts: “same old stories” and “good news…
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