Author: Tom Travis
Review: One weekend only of The Rep’s first show, an absurdist comedy, reminds audience of humans’ dark predicaments
By Patsy Isenberg The Rep made a surprising choice for the first play of the 2021-22 season. It was the absurdist comedy, “Happy Days,” a two-act play by Samuel Beckett, written in 1961. Theatre of the Absurd “Theater that seeks to represent the absurdity of human existence in a meaningless universe by bizarre or fantastic…
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Bill to change “Good Time” policy for incarcerated prisoners focus of Michigan Justice Advocacy event Saturday, Oct. 9
By Tom Travis In the last 40 years, Michigan’s prison population has ballooned 71 percent, with State expenditures on prisons and the incarcerated also jumping from $330 million to $2.4 billion — an average of $44,000 per prisoner per year. These are among facts that the The Michigan Justice Advocacy (MJA) organization hopes to highlight in…
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Neighborhoods surrounding N. Saginaw and E. Pierson Roads and Whaley Park site of this week’s mobile vaccination unit: free lunch, shots offered Thursday and Saturday
By Tom Travis A new community collaboration is bringing Covid vaccines, water, meals and other resources to Flint neighborhoods again this week, with free lunch and COVID-19 vaccines available in the neighborhoods surrounding Saginaw Street. and E. Pierson Road on Thursday, Oct. 7 and in the neighborhoods surrounding Whaley Park on Saturday, Oct. 9 from…
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Education Beat: busy Flint Community Schools board settles teachers’ contract, fills board vacancies, addresses bats and black mold as teacher attrition continues, enrollment dips below 3,000
By Harold C. Ford It took more than four hours, but the remaining five members of the Flint Board of Education (FBOE) got work done at their Sept. 29 meeting, including settling a contract with the teachers’ union, filling the two board vacancies created by recent resignations, electing officers, reviewing efforts to sell vacant schools,…
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Mt. Morris site of this week’s mobile vaccination unit: free lunch, shots offered Thursday and Saturday
By Tom Travis A new community collaboration is bringing Covid vaccines, water, meals and other resources to Flint neighborhoods again this week, with free lunch and COVID-19 vaccines available in the neighborhoods of Mt. Morris from 12 noon until 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30, Saturday, Oct. 2, Thursday, Oct. 2 and Saturday, Oct. 9. Genesee…
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Priority Waste contracted for $19.7 million through 2024 for residential waste collection
By Tom Travis The City Council passed a new waste service provider contract that will begin Oct. 1, 2021 with Priority Waste that will include waste collection every week for trash, recycling and yard waste. The contract is for $19.7 million for waste pick-up through June 30, 2024. The resolution allows for the option of…
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Flint Repertory Theatre returns to the stage Oct. 8 with Beckett absurdist comedy
By Patsy Isenberg After eighteen months of no live theatre indoors in Flint, the Flint Repertory Theatre (The Rep) begins its 2021-2022 season with a production of the absurdist comedy “Happy Days.” The play opens with an 8 p.m. Oct. 8 performance, with a run of eight more performances through Oct. 17. All audience members…
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MDOT earmarks $300 million to rebuild I-475 through Flint – Public comments invited for next 12 months
By Tom Travis The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has announced it will invest $300 million to rebuild I-475 from Bristol Road to Carpenter Road, estimating the work will begin in the Fall of 2023. The proposed project is an eight-mile span of road and will include bridge repairs and I-69 and I-475 interchange repairs.…
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