Editorial: Mr. President, please stop the dangerous attacks
FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. By the East Village…
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Tendaji forum highlights inequality, racism and why people don’t vote
By Paul Rozycki As part of the Tendaji Talks, the Flint Public Library hosted the first of a series of presentations sponsored by Neighborhoods Without Borders on “Racism and the Midterm Election.,” Tuesday evening. Two speakers highlighted the connection between the denial of voting rights, the loss of power, and economic inequality. Hubert Roberts, a…
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Lear Flint Seating Plant opens on the historic Buick grounds of Flint’s north side
By Jeffery L Carey Jr A new Lear Flint Seating Plant, the first major automotive supplier manufacturing facility constructed in Flint in more than 30 years, opened Saturday, Aug. 11 on a formerly overgrown Buick City brownfield. The project was funded with a $29.3 million capital investment by Lear and a $4.35-million Michigan Business Development…
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Ethics Accountability Board’s slow start: no quorum at second meeting
By Meghan Christian The second meeting of the Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB) was unable to convene on Aug. 9 due to lack of quorum. Only three of the new board’s eleven members were present. While the meeting could not be officially called, Interim Chairperson John Daly briefly discussed meeting times moving forward with the…
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Pickell, Kelly, Christenson, McNally top Circuit Court contest
By Paul Rozycki After one of the most visible and competitive judicial campaigns in Genesee County, on election day voters chose the four candidates who will compete for two open Circuit Courts seats in November. The winning candidates were: Brian Pickell, Elizabeth Kelly, Chris Christenson and Richard McNally. In November, the voters will select two…
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Arts millage passes, Cherry defeats Walling, voter turnout 27 percent, benefits kick in today
By Jan Worth-Nelson In two of the most watched contests of Tuesday’s election, the contentious Arts Education and Cultural Enrichment millage passed, 47 percent “yes” to 43 percent “no”; and in the 49th District Democratic primary race for state representative, John Cherry, son of a Genesee County political dynasty, defeated former Flint Mayor Dayne Walling,…
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Flint’s new Ethics and Accountability Board convenes, gets organized at first meeting
By Meghan Christian The new Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB), an overseeing body required by the City of Flint’s new charter, held its first meeting Aug. 2. Board members began with organizational tasks, appointing John Daly from the Eighth Ward as interim chairperson and Pastor Allen Gilbert of the Seventh Ward as vice-chairperson. They also…
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Democratic gubernatorial candidates visit Flint in final week of primary campaign
By Paul Rozycki In the last week before the Aug. 7 primary Flint saw visits from two of the major candidates for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. The Whitmer campaign meets union leaders On Thursday Aug. 2 the Gretchen Whitmer campaign led a get-out-the-vote rally at Teamsters Local 332, on Dort Highway. Teamster President James Hoffa,…
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Village Life: Why I use medical cannabis
By Ted Nelson I thought I was losing my mind. Two sleepless nights in a row had left me exhausted, depressed, and mentally discombobulated. I was having dinner at my Los Angeles apartment with my youngest son, sharing my distress. A month earlier, I had been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate after complaining of regularly…
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