Education Beat: Flint Schools seek Mott Foundation partnership for Holmes-Brownell campus upgrades
By Harold C. Ford The snarl(s) – those visible to the public, and those unseen – in ongoing effort(s) to upgrade the aging lineup of school buildings shepherded by Flint Community Schools (FCS) untangled a bit with the unanimous passage of a proposal by the Flint Board of Education (FBOE) to seek a $14 million…
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Flint City Hall now a “Gun Free Zone” — Councilperson still open carrying
By Tom Travis Update – since publication the Mayor’s office has issued a statement clarifying the location of the 67th District Court within City Hall. The statement is located at the end of this article. ~ Editor Monday afternoon Mayor Sheldon Neeley declared City Hall “A Gun Free Zone.” At the front entrance a sign…
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Emma’s Revolution Concert Friday to Support FEM Alliance Uganda
Emma’s Revolution Concert to Support FEM Alliance Uganda Emma’s Revolution, an American folk music and social justice activist duo, will perform a concert at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Flint (UUCF) at 7 p.m. Oct. 29 to support FEM Alliance Uganda, a social justice organization that, according to its website, advocates for “the needs of…
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“I don’t feel safe” Councilperson Ladel Lewis says at press conference after receiving violent threats against her and her family
By Tom Travis Update: Since publication Councilpersons Tonya Burns (Ward 6) and Jerri Winfrey-Carter (Ward 5) have emailed statements to EVM. Those comments have been included in this article. Councilperson Quincy Murphy (Ward 3) has told EVM that he has not received a threat. ~ Editor “Unfortunately we are experiencing some unprecedented events at City…
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Tribute: Remembering Flint Central’s Ray Bearden, teacher of “Truth, Beauty, Love, Justice, and Faith”
By Tim Retzloff Ray Bearden’s long career as a teacher at Flint Central High School left an indelible imprint on thousands of students whose lives he transformed. Mr. James “Ray” Bearden died in August at age 84. His obituary circulated on Facebook but, sadly, his passing did not receive mention in the Flint Journal or…
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Pierce School to close in 2024-25, Neithercut in 2025-26 as Flint school board moves toward “right-sizing”
By Harold C. Ford At a special meeting Oct. 5, the Flint Board of Education (FBOE) voted to close two elementary schools in the next two years. The FBOE voted 6-1 to close Pierce Elementary to students on Flint’s near east side at 1101 W. Vernon Dr. in the 2024-25 school year. Votes for closing…
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The East Village Magazine – October 2023
The latest edition of The East Village Magazine is available for download and viewing here:
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Education Beat: Mixed results on post-pandemic assessment data for area schools
By Harold C. Ford Area student performance in the first post-pandemic year, 2022-2023, offers a mixture of good and bad news, according to data provided by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), with Flint students showing a small gain in one area and losses in two others. In all three cases, Flint area student performances…
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Commentary: What lies ahead for Flint’s colleges? — Centennials, conflict, change, and challenges
By Paul Rozycki The University of Michigan-Flint has a new chancellor; Mott Community College’s president is applying for a position in Kentucky; Kettering University has a new vice president, is looking to a “transformational decade”; and, since 2005, the Flint Community Schools have had eight superintendents and are facing dramatically declining enrollment while dealing with…
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