Seven “trailblazers” from Flint’s Black community receive City’s highest honor
By Tom Travis Mayor Sheldon Neeley called them “trailblazers” in the African-American community of Flint as he honored seven at a presentation on Wednesday, Feb 24. The event, at the Flint Development Center on Martin Luther King Boulevard, was closed except to the honorees, city officials and the media, but can be viewed at the…
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Education Beat: Flint schools will not reopen to students Feb. 22: district does about face
By Harold C. Ford Following a raucous board of education meeting lasting more than three hours, officials of Flint Community Schools (FCS) decided buildings would not reopen to students on Feb. 22 as previously announced. (See Feb. 19 public statement from FCS superintendent Anita Steward at this link and printed below.) This follows months of…
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City Council considers Jefferson School property, $500,000 more needed for lead line replacement; Council’s decorum is not perfect but improves
By Tom Travis Flint City Council met in committee session on Wednesday for the first time since April, 2020, resuming a COVID-delayed structure that allows the council to discuss resolutions, ordinances, appointments and special orders that will appear on the next City Council agenda. Unlike in most recent meetings, the council managed to conduct business…
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City Council attempts at “decorum” and “civility” training descend into chaos
By Tom Travis Moments into Monday night’s virtual Flint City Council meeting, discussion descended into chaos and arguing over whether the public should be allowed to speak. It was a squabble which set the stage for a planned training session on decorum and civil debate. After more than an hour of wrangling, the council ultimately…
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Students invited to enter Genesee Health Plan’s sixth annual Health Heritage essay and scholarship contests
Genesee Health Plan (GHP) is accepting entries through March 31 for its sixth annual Health Heritage Essay Contest from all Genesee County students in elementary grades five and six, middle school, junior high, and high school students, including students in homeschool or private schools. Winning students will receive hundreds of dollars in gift cards sponsored…
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Resident participation sought in Flint Community Advisory Task Force on Public Safety Meetings
The newly formed Flint Community Advisory Task Force on Public Safety is asking residents to voice their ideas and concerns as part of its ongoing work to provide a bridge between community members and police, according to a press release from the City. Mayor Sheldon Neeley suggested the creation of the task force in response…
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City Council Beat: Councilperson’s life threatened; hardship property tax exemption approved; “decorum” training scheduled
By Tom Travis The Flint city council Monday night heard details of threats against the life of Councilperson Maurice Davis (2nd Ward), and in addition approved a property tax exemption, filled out appointments to two key city panels, and agreed to a training aiming to improve council decorum and resolve parliamentary wrangling. Davis told the…
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The East Village Magazine – February 2021
The latest edition of The East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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“At no time have we been absent a plan” to fight crime in Flint, Mayor Neeley tells city council
By Tom Travis Pressed at last week’s council meeting by several residents and City Councilperson Monica Galloway (7th Ward) on the city’s response to fight a recent uptick in violent crimes, Mayor Sheldon Neeley reiterated a three-point plan he and former Police Chief Phil Hart laid out in 2020 and steps underway since. “At no…
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