Commentary: Biden wins — What does it all mean? Ten takeaways from the 2020 election
By Paul Rozycki In a year of pandemics, racial division, economic crisis, and the most divisive election in the last century, it’s a challenge to uncover the things that really matter in this year’s presidential election. In the last weeks, we’ve all had wall-to-wall coverage and analysis of this year’s presidential contest. It may be…
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$1 million-plus restoration project announced for Flint River-Swartz Creek confluence
By Harold C. Ford “Sometimes it’s the use of land, not for commercial purposes, that has the greatest value.” –U.S. Rep.Dan Kildee, (MI-5th District), in a statement to East Village Magazine, Oct. 14, 2020 A restoration project on the peninsula where the Flint River meets Swartz Creek — the “Flint River-Swartz Creek Confluence” — was…
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Three newcomers elected make an all-female Flint school board; host of challenges await
By Harold C. Ford The Flint Community Schools (FCS) Board of Education will have a new look in 2021. Joyce Ellis-McNeal, (9.13 percent/9,409 votes), Anita M. Moore (8.78 percent/9,053 votes), and Laura Gillespie MacIntyre (6.09 percent/6,277 votes) were elected to six-year terms that begin Jan.1, 2021 and end in 2026. (Note: Percentages and votes are…
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PFAS in Buick City site so far not detected in nearby drinking water, RACER Trust reps report
By Coner Segren Despite the findings of PFAS contamination at the former Buick City site in northeast Flint, so far the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has not found any red flags for any specific substances in the drinking water in the neighborhoods around the site, representatives from RACER Trust reported at a…
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Blues singer votes red this year: Councilperson Davis makes waves with Trump endorsement
By Tom Travis In the days ahead of one of the most contentious presidential campaigns in recent memory, local blues musician turned politician, 2nd Ward Councilperson Maurice Davis, is making waves with his endorsement of President Donald Trump. Democrats “the party of hate” Davis asserts In a phone interview with EVM, Davis said, “I’ve found out…
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Education Beat: As pandemic numbers surge, student return to Flint schools not likely, officials say
By Harold C. Ford “I don’t think that students will be returning to school in the 2020 school year.” –Anita Steward, Flint Community Schools superintendent, Oct. 21, 2020 As pandemic numbers surge in Flint, Anita Steward, Flint Community Schools (FCS) superintendent, told the FCS Board of Education Oct. 21 that students will not likely return…
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Mayor warns against door-to-door trick-or-treating as Coronavirus cases and deaths surge, alternative trick-or-treating venues offered
By Tom Travis The City of Flint warned residents against door-to-door trick-or-treating due to the continuing spread and rise of coronavirus cases and deaths. In a press release Thursday Mayor Sheldon Neeley and city officials recommend children in the Flint community attend alternative trick-or-treating venues to celebrate Halloween rather than going door to door. There…
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