Category: Analysis
City council approves Phase 2 of the Buick City Redevelopment Plan – using a complex financing model
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council has approved an embattled resolution for the city to release the 350-acre former Buick City brownfield to developer Ashley Capital. Ashley Capital is under contract to purchase the site from Revitalizing Auto Communities Environmental Response (RACER) Trust. Ashley officials plan to develop a state-of-the-art industrial park expected to bring about…
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“Mr. American Pie” Don McLean to perform at Capitol Aug. 31: after 50 years, he “still likes the song”
By Tom Travis Fifty-two years after his song “American Pie” became a surprise hit and thrust him him into sudden fame, singer/songwriter Don McLean, 77, says he’s still not tired of it. “I’m not tired of the song because it makes people so happy,” he said in a phone interview with East Village Magazine. “My…
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Four indictments for “45.” What will it mean for 2024?
By Paul Rozycki Donald Trump is running for president next year. He’s also facing 91 felony charges in both federal and state jurisdictions. With the first Republican debate last month behind us, we are about to begin the 2024 presidential election campaign. It may be the most unusual and challenging election we have ever seen.…
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Education Beat: New school year starts with $156 million ESSER funding moves; new backpack policy in place, administrative changes announced; Washington demo delayed; MSU partnership renewed
By Harold C. Ford A new academic year at Flint Community Schools (FCS) began Aug. 9, as students reported back to school under a newly-adopted backpack policy. The day before, on Aug. 8, several changes in administration positions were announced by FCS Superintendent Kevelin Jones in a press statement. And at its Committee of the…
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New library director, Taliah Abdullah, at welcome reception says, “I would just like for us to get to know each other and to explore ways to enhance the wellbeing of our community”
By Canisha Bell and Jan Worth-Nelson “We are in such good hands. I would just like for us to get to know each other and to explore ways to enhance the wellbeing of our community,” Taliah Abdullah, new executive director of the Gloria Coles Flint Public Library (GCFPL) said to a crowd of about 50…
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Commentary: Indictments, recalls, demolitions, resignations, and more — 10 things to watch for in the dog days of summer
By Paul Rozycki We may be in the midst of record-breaking heat during these dog days of August, and the political future may be as hazy as the Michigan horizon on a humid summer evening, enveloped in Canadian forest fire smoke. But with all the risks, and in no particular order, here are a few…
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Commentary: “The work of higher ed must continue” — Emeritus faculty voice concern, yet again, about UM – Flint upheaval
By Theodosia Robertson Theodosia Robertson is an associate professor emerita of history and an occasional columnist for East Village Magazine. She can be reached at In November, 2022, I composed a letter of concern addressed to President Santa J. Ono of University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The letter was signed by 20 retired (emeritus) faculty…
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Education Beat Analysis: Upgrades proceed on Flint Schools’ same lineup of 11 buildings; fewer than 3,000 students to report back on Aug. 9; no decisions on building closures
By Harold C. Ford Fewer than 3,000 Flint Community Schools (FCS) students – based on last year’s enrollment data – are scheduled to start the 2023-2024 school year Aug. 9. The district moves into its fifth year on a “balanced calendar” schedule in which students and staff report back earlier in the calendar year. A…
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UM President Ono: Departing UM – Flint Chancellor Dutta “a strong advocate” for transformation at downtown campus
The following letter was posted earlier today by University of Michigan President Santa J. Ono about the departure of UM – Flint Chancellor Debasish Dutta — Ed. July 18, 2023 To the U-M community: Great universities need great leaders to evolve and thrive. So, it is never easy when we lose people from our three-campus…
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Dutta out at UM – Flint as UMF fall enrollment numbers disappoint; “Strategic Transformation” put on hold
By Jan Worth-Nelson Debasish Dutta, chancellor of the University of Michigan – Flint since 2019, is leaving for the University of Illinois as special assistant to the president beginning Sept. 16 for a salary of $425,000. University of Michigan President Santa J. Ono formally announced the departure July 18 in an open letter to the…
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