Category: Analysis
City Council Beat: Council acts on 11 resolutions, Mays ejected again
By Tom Travis Mayor Sheldon Neeley was not present Monday night at a special city council meeting that he had called. All nine councilpersons were present for the meeting, along with nearly 70 audience members, several media outlets, members of the city administration and even a U.S. presidential candidate. Neeley had called the special council…
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Options exist as deadlines approach for saving homes from tax foreclosures, county treasurer explains
By Tammy Beckett Relief is available for residents of the city in danger of losing their homes because of tax nonpayments, Deb Cherry, Genesee County Treasurer, explained in a presentation at the February meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). Cherry described several programs available for homeowners in trouble and detailed requirements and upcoming deadlines. Applications…
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League of Women Voters gala celebrates 100 years with history, speeches, unveilings
By Jan Worth-Nelson The League of Women Voters of the Flint Area celebrated its 100th birthday at Factory One Friday night, Valentine’s Day, with a gala that offered a lot of love to democracy, to the vote, and to multiple accomplishments of women, including progress in reaching elected office at all levels. The theme of…
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Mayor Neeley makes a move, calling Flint City Council into session for unfinished business
By Tom Travis In an unusual move, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley is hauling the Flint City Council into session at a special council meeting set for 5 p.m. Monday, Feb 17. In a press release issued by city administration, Neeley said, “It is critically important that city business be completed in a timely manner. This…
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Female pianist, women composers featured Sunday, Feb 23, at Court Street United Methodist Church
An afternoon of music by all women composers performed by pianist Sandra Mogensen will be presented at Court Street United Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb 23. This event, titled en pleine lumiere, is sponsored by an endowment of the Elton and Elsie West fund. The Wests are long time members of the church. For…
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PFAS actions, concerns aired in Kildee-sponsored phone town hall
By Jeffery L. Carey, Jr. Recently, Congress has taken action designed to protect Flint and the rest of Michigan’s drinking water from PFAS chemicals. House Democrat Dan Kildee of Michigan’s 5th Congressional district is leading that effort and cosponsored legislation called The PFAS Action Act. In a conference call town hall this week, Kildee described…
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Village Life: New life as community journalist opens up hard realities about Flint
By Tom Travis I have attempted to dissect the reasons why I chose to leave my job at 50 years old after more than 10 years. I think I’ve figured out the reasoning but it is deeply personal. And I’m more likely to tell…
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New Meter – New Start program to give residents fresh start on water bills with new meters
By Tom Travis Flint residents are being given a fresh start on their water bill amounts as a $9.2 million program to replace and install new water meters continues city-wide, Mayor Sheldon Neeley announced at a press conference Friday. Joined by Flint City Council Vice President Maurice Davis (2nd Ward) and Councilperson Eva Worthing (9th…
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City Council Beat: Mays again makes dramatic exit from Council meeting, as the rest settle on leadership roles
By Tom Travis Eric Mays made a dramatic exit from the City Council again Wednesday night. This time he left on his own accord in a storm of yelling at the entire council. Business did return to normal with the departure of the First Ward councilperson, as the council voted on several ordinances to be…
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