Category: Analysis
Mayor Neeley visits Flint Neighborhoods United; Mott CC presents strategic plan
By Luther Houle New Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley told residents face-to-face at this month’s Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU) meeting that he will not tolerate those who see Flint as “a garbage can” and that he is sending out a team of blight restriction enforcers to address blighted areas. He also “deputized” the 40-plus attendees to…
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City Council beat: Hurley bonds, Gleason subpoena, drama and more
By Luther Houle Highlights from the Dec. 9 Flint City Council meeting included endorsement of up to $55 million in bonds for Hurley Medical Center, a vote to subpoena County Clerk John Gleason, and a response to – and a defense of – the drama witnessed at last week’s finance committee meeting. Up to $55…
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“SMILE” mobile dentists putting smiles on faces of Flint students and improving dental health
By Harold C. Ford A lot of kids don’t like going to the dentist. Not surprisingly, a 2013 report found that up to 20 percent of kids around the world experience dental fear and anxiety. Further, researchers report that 35 percent of school absences are dental-related and that in any given year, four out of five low-income…
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Buckham Gallery hosts first artists member show Dec. 13 in accessible new location
By Jeffery L. Carey Jr. The first Artist Member Show opening Friday in Buckham Gallery’s new locale “will cap off a milestone year,” artist member John Dempsey said about the coming event. “Our new street-level location has made the gallery accessible to everyone.” The theme for this year’s Artist Member Show, celebrated with an opening reception…
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Review: One more weekend to see “outstanding” Flint Rep’s “Into the Woods”
By Patsy Isenberg “Into the Woods” is an outstanding blend of talents that came together just right. The musical opened at Flint Repertory Theatre (The Rep) Friday, Dec. 6 to a sold out audience. Rumor had it the rest of that weekend’s performances were also sold out. The blend of talents includes the direction of…
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Mayor to residents: help test water quality before crucial deadline
Flint residents, who once turned themselves into chemists by the thousands at the height of the water crisis, are being asked by Mayor Sheldon Neeley to urgently once again become scientists and test their water quality. In a press release issued this morning, City of Flint Communications Director Marjory Raymer said “The City of Flint is…
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City Council Beat: Hurley bond refinancing resolution described, council drama erupts again
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council, meeting as the Finance Committee Wednesday night, moved a proposed resolution of support for a refinancing and additional $20 million to a Hurley Medical Center bond to the full council for consideration. Several members of the public, many of the city administration staff, all council members except Allen…
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Review: “Hatred, Inc.” and “Why We Hate” cast light on today’s quagmires
By Robert Thomas Matt Taibbi’s book Hate Inc. and the Discovery Channel’s six-episode series Why We Hate makes for an informative multi-media journey along the trail of human hatred. Hate Inc. examines why today’s media makes us despise one another. Why We Hate examines causes of hatred using scientific tools like evolutionary anthropology, cognitive science,…
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Neurodevelopmental Center for Excellence marks first year of helping Flint kids
By Teddy Robertson January 2020 marks the first year of operation for Flint’s Neurodevelopmental Center for Excellence (NCE), a service of Genesee Health System (GHS) for neuropsychological assessment of children impacted by Flint’s water crisis. But while the Center may be just one year old, GHS visualized its need five years ago, said Dr. Lauren…
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Village Life: Every day, I dream of Down Time
By Jan Worth-Nelson Every day I keep dreaming of Down Time. I used to crave adventure, no day complete without a conscious tablespoon at least of risky business, a routine to kickstart adrenaline, an agenda to keep me in the loop – the loop of life, baby. I aimed to be a player. If I…
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