Category: Analysis
Education Beat: Flint schools lose 60 educators, 833 years of experience in 2019
By Harold C. Ford What had been a steady stream of educators departing Flint Community Schools (FCS) in the first seven months of 2019, became a torrent in August and September. According to FCS records posted at its website, the district lost 60 educators with 833 years of experience from January to September. FCS “Personnel…
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UAW members keep up vigils on the picket line as strike grinds on
By Jan Worth-Nelson Amidst continual honks from passersby in bright sun, United Auto Workers strikers on the picket line at the General Motors Flint Assembly Plant on Van Slyke Road said Friday they have “no clue” how long they’ll be there and are worried, but also committed to what they hope will be greater parity…
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Kids, Mayor Weaver release 125 baby sturgeon, cousins of T-Rex, into Flint River
By Jan Worth-Nelson After a half hour of speeches in scalding sun, about 50 kids and their parents lined up for the main event at the Mott Park Recreation Area Saturday: one by one, reaching into a bucket of muddy water, gently cupping a six-inch long, slimy baby sturgeon, and dropping it into the Flint…
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Review: Connor Coyne’s serial Flint allegory “Urbantasm” continues with”ambitious, authentic” Book Two
By Robert R. Thomas Flint author Connor Coyne’s Urbantasm is a serial novel composed of four books. Last year I read and reviewed Book One: The Dying City (EVM July 2, 2018). So surprised had I been by Coyne’s ambitious allegorical teen noir serial novel that I approached Book Two: The Empty Room with something…
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Flint City Council committee meeting yields single vote, yelling, call to police
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council’s Legislative Committee was the only committee to meet on Wednesday night, the day of the week when the council meets, usually outside the council chamber in a side room, to carry out various functions and consider resolutions in subcommittees. A single resolution about selling and growing recreational marijuana…
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Review: “Gamma Rays” captures troubled family at The Rep through Sept. 22
By Patsy Isenberg Events in the lives of a dysfunctional family with mental health and medical problems and who are doomed financially are portrayed compellingly at The Flint Repertory Theatre (The Rep) in the play, “The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds.” The production continues through Sunday at the Elgood Theatre, 1220 E. Kearsley…
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Immigrants’ contributions to Genesee County celebrated in Welcoming Week
By Jan Worth-Nelson Immigrants are helping offset population decline and contributed more than $100 million in taxes to Genesee County, according to a new national survey based on 2017 numbers. In recognition of those and other benefits of immigrants in the community, a “Welcoming Week” is underway through Sept. 22. The celebration, which incorporated the…
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Carriage Town housing proposal draws protest; Fifth Ward residents speak out
By Tom Travis At its regular meeting Monday, Sept. 9, the Flint City Council declined to consider a resolution regarding a controversial affordable housing development in Carriage Town, after Councilperson Jerri Winfrey-Carter, whose ward includes the contested parcel, declared, “I’m going to fight this nail and tooth…because my constituents do not want this.” In other…
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