Category: Analysis
Commentary: Fix the roads? Who gets the money?
By Paul Rozycki Gov. Whitmer is continuing her statewide campaign to garner support for a 45 cent gas tax increase, which would be used to “fix the damn roads.” It remains to be seen whether or not she will get what she wants. Most public opinion polls show little support for the large increase. Republicans…
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MCC Culinary Arts Institute opens June 7, featuring celebrity chef Carla Hall
By Darlene Carey Opportunities for culinary arts students and downtown dining take a leap forward June 7 with the grand opening of the Mott Community College Culinary Arts Institute, in a renovated historic building at the corner of Saginaw and Second streets downtown. After a public ribbon cutting ceremony at noon, the doors officially open…
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News Brief: Aspiring photographers offered chance to network, learn from pros
Three award-winning commercial photographers will be available to network and talk with aspiring photographers from 6 to 7:30 p.m. June 13 at Foster Coffee Company at the Ferris Wheel, 615 S. Saginaw St. in downtown Flint. Khalid Ibrahim, Leigh Ann Cobb and Marek Dziekonski will share stories about how they entered their field, why they…
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Flint River Watershed Coalition wins $74K federal grant for youth program
By Jan Worth-Nelson Hundreds of area students and their teachers will have a chance to learn about and care for water resources, especially the Flint River, thanks to a new federal grant received recently by the Flint River Watershed Coalition (FRWC). A $74,000 grant to support youth-based water quality programs involving 1,200 students in 22…
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Carriage Town cats tended by kind-hearted neighbor: more help needed
By Patsy Isenberg A group of 20 or more feline squatters in Carriage Town–including Snowflake, Princess, Butterfly, Stripe, Watermelon and Friendly–are luckier than most feral cats. That’s because of a kind-hearted woman who lives nearby. Sonny Rabanal has taken on the task of feeding what she calls the Lyon Street cats. She started feeding strays…
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Democracy at heart of how “Flint Fights Back,” author Ben Pauli says
By Paul Rozycki At the recent launch of his new book Flint Fights Back: Environmental Justice and Democracy in the Flint Water Crisis, activist and Kettering University Professor Benjamin Pauli contended that the loss of democracy and the struggle of Flint activists to reclaim and ferociously exercise it, is at the heart of the Flint…
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Loving Gilkey Creek, one neighbor at a time: residents plead “no dumping”
By Jan Worth-Nelson Gilkey Creek has been part of Joe Burroughs’ life ever since childhood. He used to play along it, and his father, George, used to fish in it, bringing home pan fish like crappies and blue gill. Now Burroughs and his wife Kathryn, both retired school teachers, along with their Kensington Street…
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