Category: Commentary
Commentary: 2024 ushers in “interesting” times — will it also bring a curse?
By Paul Rozycki As the 2024 election year begins it reminds one of the ancient curse, often attributed to the Chinese, which says “May you live in interesting times”, suggesting that those interesting times will arise from much conflict and turmoil. There is little doubt that 2024 will be an “interesting” one politically. Whether it…
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Commentary: You can’t “right size” a district by only closing buildings
Guest commentary by Paul Jordan To survive in the long term, the Flint district must provide every neighborhood with a local elementary school. Children can be well-educated in buildings that consist of only a few classrooms. (My parents, and perhaps yours, were educated in them.). Given the low density of potential students in the district,…
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Commentary: The Flint water crisis criminal prosecution ends — landing another blow to the public trust
By Paul Rozycki What if the next winner of the Super Bowl was determined, not by players scoring touchdowns or field goals, but one team winning because of a referee’s ruling over someone being offside or taking too much time in the huddle? There would be an outcry that the game was decided by the…
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Four indictments for “45.” What will it mean for 2024?
By Paul Rozycki Donald Trump is running for president next year. He’s also facing 91 felony charges in both federal and state jurisdictions. With the first Republican debate last month behind us, we are about to begin the 2024 presidential election campaign. It may be the most unusual and challenging election we have ever seen.…
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Commentary: Indictments, recalls, demolitions, resignations, and more — 10 things to watch for in the dog days of summer
By Paul Rozycki We may be in the midst of record-breaking heat during these dog days of August, and the political future may be as hazy as the Michigan horizon on a humid summer evening, enveloped in Canadian forest fire smoke. But with all the risks, and in no particular order, here are a few…
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Commentary: “The work of higher ed must continue” — Emeritus faculty voice concern, yet again, about UM – Flint upheaval
By Theodosia Robertson Theodosia Robertson is an associate professor emerita of history and an occasional columnist for East Village Magazine. She can be reached at In November, 2022, I composed a letter of concern addressed to President Santa J. Ono of University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The letter was signed by 20 retired (emeritus) faculty…
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Commentary: Allie Herkenroder’s words speak to all of us
By Paul Rozycki “I consider the abuse from council directly (related) to my mental and physical concerns.” Seventh Ward Councilwoman Allie Herkenroder, on her reasons for resigning from the Flint City Council Can the experience of one individual be a mirror and a metaphor for a whole city or even a nation? Allie Herkenroder’s resignation…
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Guest Commentary: Flint’s unique opportunity for better, safer streets should design for more than cars
Guest commentary by Joel Arnold, Planning and Advocacy Manager at Communities First, Inc. If there’s one thing we hear regularly in our city and region, it’s that people drive far too fast and far too dangerously. In the Flint area, we’ve seen business after business — whether a fast-food restaurant on Dort Highway, Mega Coney…
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Is it time to unelect the electors?
By Paul Rozycki In the United States we elect over 500,000 individuals to office. Every election year, the voters choose who will be their governors, senators, state representatives, mayors, city council members, judges, county commissioners, school board members, township clerks, drain commissioners, and perhaps an occasional dog-catcher here and there. And all of those individuals…
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