Category: Features
Commentary: Are YOU being represented? Flint council members are elected to take a stand. Abstaining shirks their duty
By Christopher Frye Editor of Flint: Our Community, Our Voice Election Day 2022 is upon us. It is the day that We The People make our choices known on various ballot issues and elect Representatives to diverse legislative bodies from local school boards to our representatives in Congress. Allow me to repeat…we are voting…
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A Review: Starry Messenger – Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization (2022)
By Bob Thomas To gain a fresher perspective on the state of our current human beingness, I stepped into space with astrophysicist/educator Neil DeGrasse Tyson as my starry messenger. His book opens with an astronaut’s perspective: You develop instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a…
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Opinion: Let’s prosecute real criminals, not women and doctors
Letter to the Editor By David Leyton, Genesee County Prosecutor As county prosecutor, it is my top duty to protect the health and safety of the citizens of Genesee County. This is one of the many reasons I am supporting Proposal 3, which restores the right to reproductive freedom in Michigan’s constitution — a right…
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The East Village Magazine – November 2022
The latest edition of The East Village Magazine is available for download and viewing here:
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Prop. 3 would “restore Roe — nothing more, nothing less,” for Michigan women, proponents assert
By Jan Worth-Nelson The entire goal of Proposal 3, the “Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative” on Michigan’s Nov. 8 ballot, is “to restore Roe — nothing more, nothing less,” representatives from Reproductive Freedom for All (RFFA) declared in a panel discussion Saturday at Totem Books in Flint. “Proposal 3 restores the protections we had under…
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Gov. Whitmer visits Flint with entourage of powerhouse Democrats
Photos by Tom Travis This story has been updated to include a photo of Flint Attorney Mike Behm running for re-election to the University of Michigan Board of Regents. – Editor Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was again in Flint today — this time at the Farmers’ Market. Whitmer returned to Flint with some of the same…
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Village Life: Even Sadie’s puppy love didn’t convince me — I’m fine without a dog
By Tom Travis I don’t know what I was thinking when I agreed to take care of a dog and three cats. Not one of those little cute lap dogs but a really large, hyper black Lab named Sadie. Albeit Sadie is my brother and sister-in-law’s dog, so kind of like a niece-dog. I have…
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Michigan’s largest brownfield – former Buick City – to be redeveloped for $17 million, $3.25 million coming from Flint’s ARPA funds
By Tom Travis A resolution that will allocate $3.25 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding towards Ashley Capital’s redevelopment of the Buick City brownfield was approved Oct. 24 by the Flint City Council. The City of Flint administration had submitted a resolution to allocate the funds. At the same meeting, the council voted to…
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A tale of two ARPA budgets – Council approves their ARPA budget and rejects the Mayor’s
By Tom Travis In Monday’s meeting City Council approved their version of a budget to spend the remaining $60 million of the $94 million American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Back in June the Mayor and his administration had presented their version of an ARPA allocation budget. The council has not approved Mayor Neeley’s ARPA…
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