Category: Features
Education Beat: District Superintendent Steward reprimanded by Flint School Board; she responds
By Harold C. Ford “I’m just so happy we got the homegrown girl. I think this is going to be beneficial for our district.” — Carol McIntosh, Flint school board trustee, June 25, 2020, upon the appointment of Anita Steward to the Flint Schools superintendent position “I don’t feel like this board is being respected.…
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The East Village Magazine – June 2021
The latest edition of The East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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Flint’s Poet Laureate, Semaj Brown, receives $50,000 award from the American Academy of Poets for civic project
By Tom Travis The American Academy of Poets has chosen Flint’s Poet Laureate, Semaj Brown, as one of 2021 Poet Laureate Fellows. Brown was chosen along with 22 other Poets Laureate from across the country. Each of the winners will receive $50,000 for their literary work as well as a project of their choosing with…
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Profile: 30 years later, Ben Hamper remembers Rivethead, his legacy of “that one story, that one guy”
By Jan Worth-Nelson At a back corner table at Churchhill’s, escaping to AC on a muggy Tuesday afternoon in Flint, Ben Hamper takes a swig of his signature Jim Beam and Diet Coke and reflects on the 30 years since the country came to know him as an exuberantly profane, honest and hilariously irreverent blue…
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Flint City Council fails to adopt budget second time: City’s ability to spend money ends June 30.
By Tom Travis This article has been updated to include a press release from Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley warning of a potential city government shutdown due to the city council’s failure to pass a budget. – EVM Editor For a second time in one week the city council failed to adopt a budget. At this…
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Councilperson Eric Mays fires off response to Neeley’s press release: “We’re dealing with a deceptive, trickery, lying type of mayor”
By Tom Travis Councilperson Eric Mays (1st Ward) Tuesday contacted East Village Magazine (EVM) to respond to Mayor Sheldon Neeley’s press release about the council’s failure to adopt a budget in Monday’s meeting. Mays said he objected to Neeley calling the council as a whole, dysfunctional. Mays retorted, “I think we’re dealing with a deceptive, trickery, lying…
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City Council fails to pass budget – Mayor Neeley delivers terse response
By Tom Travis Despite a nine-hour meeting, the Flint City Council failed to adopt a budget Monday night, thereby violating the city charter which calls for the budget for the next fiscal year to be approved by the first Monday in June. The meeting began at 6:30 p.m. and stretched into the early morning hours…
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Commentary: The right to vote — It’s not just about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about democracy.
By Paul Rozycki Guess what? There was cheating in the 2020 election. And guess what? There was so little of it, in a nation of 330 million, that it scarcely mattered. And from what we know, there were both Republicans and Democrats doing it. According to a Washington Post survey, there were 16 cases of…
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Sports Beat: Flint City Bucks open defense of USL2 championship with convincing 3-1 win over Toledo
By Harold C. Ford “It’s hard defending a national championship; it’s harder winning one.” –Dan Duggan, chairman and CEO, Flint City Bucks The Flint City Bucks football [soccer] club opened the 2021 season with a convincing 3-1 win over Toledo Villa Football Club May 15 at Atwood Stadium before a reported 1700 fans. The…
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