Category: Features
$46 million in stimulus funds land in city’s coffers: online survey asks Flint residents what to do with it
By Tom Travis A check for $46 million was deposited into the City of Flint’s bank account last Wednesday, according to the city’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Shelbi Frayer. It is the first payment from the federal government’s American Rescue Plan stimulus money. Recently the U.S. Treasury updated the amount Flint would receive from $99…
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Redistricting, social equity and water costs among topics discussed at Flint Neighborhoods United monthly virtual session
By Coner Segren Potential Michigan redistricting losses based on Census-2020 numbers, establishment of a new urban institute dedicated to social equity at the UM – Flint, a proposal to study a flat rate for water in the City of Flint, and the Genesee County Land Bank’s Clean and Green program were among topics discussed at the…
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“Rivethead” author Ben Hamper, bard of 20th century blue collar life, returns to Flint June 5
By Jan Worth-Nelson Ben Hamper, author of a classic best-selling account of “shop rat” life in Flint in the 1980s, returns to his hometown June 5 for a reading and book signing from 2-5 p.m. at Totem Books, 620 W. Court St. His appearance celebrates the 30th anniversary of the publication of Rivethead: Tales from…
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Flint’s Pride Festival continues to reflect community identities and prioritize health
By Melodee Mabbitt This year, Flint’s Pride Festival will once again be shaped in response to the need for disease prevention and centered on supporting identities that are most vulnerable within Flint’s LGBTQ+ communities. In response to COVID-19 precautions, planning is underway for Flint’s Pride to include its annual cookout and a series of small…
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East Village Magazine Readership Survey – Help Shape The EVM
East Village Magazine needs your help. After 43 years, we’ve reached a crossroad. We would greatly appreciate your input and assistance as we explore the possible future forks in that road. Our crossroad is this: our staff is extremely small (volunteers and minimally paid reporters), and the amount of local news which we feel needs to…
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City Council members subpoena each other and six city officials in Monday’s finance committee meeting
By Tom Travis Monday’s city council finance committee meeting spiraled into a debacle ending with most of the council members, the mayor, and four administration directors being subpoenaed by various council members. The only council members not subpoenaed were Maurice Davis (2nd Ward), Herb Winfrey (6th Ward) and Monica Galloway (7th Ward). Subpoenaed City Officials…
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Lapeer MCC campus hosts COVID-19 vaccination Spring Drive-Up event on Friday, May 21
Hamilton Community Health Network is partnering with the Lapeer County Senior Coalition to provide a community wide COVID-19 vaccination event. The event will be hosted at Mott Community College’s Lapeer Campus by providing COVID-19 vaccines on Friday, May 21 located at 550 Lake Dr., Lapeer, MI. There will be 100 Johnson & Johnson vaccines available…
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Councilperson Eric Mays sanctioned by U.S. District Judge to pay back “attorney fees” totaling more than $34,000
By Tom Travis This story has been updated to include three attorneys’ names and the amounts each have billed the City of Flint for attorney fees. Also, EVM has obtained responses from Eric Mays and Mayor Neeley concerning the judge’s sanction, included below. This article has been updated on March 14 to reflect the details…
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Mayor delivers progress report on Flint water with members of EPA, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
By Harold C. Ford “This community’s perseverance has been remarkable and your success has been remarkable.” – Michael Harris “Five years ago, Flint was in the middle of one of our nation’s greatest drinking water crises in our nation’s history. Understandably, trust in leadership and government was just as corroded as the pipes that tainted…
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Rides to Wellness services resume May 17 after temporary COVID disruption
By Madeleine Graham Rides to Wellness will resume service May 17 after a temporary suspension of veteran rides and rides to the grocery store, pharmacy, and doctor appointments, according to Ed Benning, CEO of Mass Transportation Authority (MTA). Services for dialysis, hospital runs, and other essential businesses have remained available. Benning explained the disruption began…
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