Category: Features
In both good weather and bad, Flint Art Fair pleased and delivered
By Paul Rozycki The 52ndFlint Art Fair, held Saturday and Sunday, was a tale of two cities, weather-wise — or at least a tale of two art fairs. Saturday dawned warm and sunny with nary a cloud in the sky as the fair opened, and attendance soared to near record levels. Attendance on Sunday, with…
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Review: Energetic “Songs About Stuff” premiere explores the 90s with music, humor
By Patsy Isenberg “I was walking down Haight Street in San Francisco when a counterculture douf cornered me/ She had a freshly dyed purple Mohawk, $120 Doc Martin boots on/ In other words, she was wearing about as much equity as I had made this year/And with a wanting look on her pale face she asked me for…
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East Village Magazine – June 2019
The latest issue of the East Village Magazine is available for download here:
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Education Beat: Flint Schools ending Year One of three-year partnership; two hires debated; middle school locale still uncertain
By Harold C. Ford (Note: The following article is about two recent meetings of the Flint Board of Education on May 8 and May 15. Subsequently, a “Special Board Meeting” was held May 21 at the district’s administration building rather than the usual location at Southwestern Classical Academy. The special meeting had been scheduled for…
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MCC Culinary Arts Institute opens June 7, featuring celebrity chef Carla Hall
By Darlene Carey Opportunities for culinary arts students and downtown dining take a leap forward June 7 with the grand opening of the Mott Community College Culinary Arts Institute, in a renovated historic building at the corner of Saginaw and Second streets downtown. After a public ribbon cutting ceremony at noon, the doors officially open…
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Carriage Town cats tended by kind-hearted neighbor: more help needed
By Patsy Isenberg A group of 20 or more feline squatters in Carriage Town–including Snowflake, Princess, Butterfly, Stripe, Watermelon and Friendly–are luckier than most feral cats. That’s because of a kind-hearted woman who lives nearby. Sonny Rabanal has taken on the task of feeding what she calls the Lyon Street cats. She started feeding strays…
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Loving Gilkey Creek, one neighbor at a time: residents plead “no dumping”
By Jan Worth-Nelson Gilkey Creek has been part of Joe Burroughs’ life ever since childhood. He used to play along it, and his father, George, used to fish in it, bringing home pan fish like crappies and blue gill. Now Burroughs and his wife Kathryn, both retired school teachers, along with their Kensington Street…
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This Month in the Village: May features live music, story time, Jersey Boys, Flint City Bucks and more
Compiled and selected by Meghan Christian “This Month” highlights a selection of events available to our readers—It is not an exhaustive list, rather a sampling of opportunities in the city. To submit events for June, email your event to Managing Editor Meghan Christian at by May 28. Wellness at the Wheel Mon – Sat.…
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