Category: First Amendment
Vista gallery, drop-in center provide nurturing space for “healing and trust,” access to resources
By Madeleine Graham Nestled into a corner of the J.C. Penney wing of the Genesee Valley Mall is an art gallery that provides a nurturing environment for those with disabilities, including mental health issues. It is called the Vista Visions Art Gallery, also known as the Vista Drop-In Center. The gallery and drop-in center started…
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Council votes to establish a Revenue Estimation Commission
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council passed a resolution, on a 8-0 vote Monday night to establish a Revenue Estimation Commission (REC). The REC is required by the city’s charter (Section 7-104). The REC’s responsibilities include, “reporting to the public, the Mayor and City Council on the anticipated revenue for the City of Flint.…
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Commission aims to give residents a voice – no more gerrymandering as voting districts are redrawn
By Tom Travis Residents stood up and spoke up Tuesday at a public hearing at The Dort Federal Event Center on Lapeer Road with their thoughts and comments about redistricting in Michigan. Standing at a podium, residents addressed the new 13-member Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC), who sat at tables on an elevated stage looking down…
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Commentary: Secure MI Vote petition won’t secure your vote — or democracy
By Paul Rozycki A few years ago I was asked to give a presentation on the right to vote to a large number of prospective election workers at City Hall. As I looked out over the audience, I realized that almost none of those present could have voted when this nation began. The great majority…
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“This will not be tolerated,” Pastor Chris Martin, State Sen. Ananich and other activists declare about GOP voter suppression moves; protest set for noon Tuesday
By Tom Travis Michigan State Senator Jim Ananich (D – 27th District) joined Flint Pastor Chris Martin of the Cathedral of Faith, community activists and other pastors in front of Berston Field House this morning to voice their opposition to 39 Michigan Republican bills being introduced this week in Lansing. “We stand here today to…
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Editorial: Mr. President, please stop the dangerous attacks
FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. By the East Village…
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