Category: Local News
Neighborhood Engagement Hub seeking volunteers for citywide cleanup – Saturday, May 15
The Neighborhood Engagement Hub is seeking volunteers to participate in Flint for a citywide cleanup day on Saturday, May 15. During the cleanup, neighborhood groups and individual residents will be completing projects on more than 29 sites throughout the city’s nine wards. The citywide cleanup is supported through a grant from the Mott Foundation, awarded…
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Councilperson Eric Mays sanctioned by U.S. District Judge to pay back “attorney fees” totaling more than $34,000
By Tom Travis This story has been updated to include three attorneys’ names and the amounts each have billed the City of Flint for attorney fees. Also, EVM has obtained responses from Eric Mays and Mayor Neeley concerning the judge’s sanction, included below. This article has been updated on March 14 to reflect the details…
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Mayor delivers progress report on Flint water with members of EPA, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
By Harold C. Ford “This community’s perseverance has been remarkable and your success has been remarkable.” – Michael Harris “Five years ago, Flint was in the middle of one of our nation’s greatest drinking water crises in our nation’s history. Understandably, trust in leadership and government was just as corroded as the pipes that tainted…
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Rides to Wellness services resume May 17 after temporary COVID disruption
By Madeleine Graham Rides to Wellness will resume service May 17 after a temporary suspension of veteran rides and rides to the grocery store, pharmacy, and doctor appointments, according to Ed Benning, CEO of Mass Transportation Authority (MTA). Services for dialysis, hospital runs, and other essential businesses have remained available. Benning explained the disruption began…
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“Not a hand-out but a hand up,” officials say of new child tax credit announced by Rep. Kildee
By Tom Travis “This is not a hand-out, but an immediate hand-up to support families like mine. I encourage everyone, working or not, to file their taxes for 2020. Let’s take advantage of the resources we voted for,” said 2nd Ward Flint resident Ladel Lewis. Lewis, a single mother of a six-year-old boy attending Freeman…
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Area teens take the jab at MCC, prepare to promote the COVID vaccine
By Tom Travis “If you want Friday nights at football games then get the vaccine,” is what Jackson Langford, 16, of Grand Blanc High School plans to tell his friends about being vaccinated. “I was afraid it was going to hurt but after seeing all the other kids get it, I was okay. And it…
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All four Flint ballot measures pass with 6 percent voter turnout: police and fire, MTA, and mental health
By Paul Rozycki May elections in Michigan are typically low profile affairs, with few voters taking the time to cast a ballot. Flint’s election was no different. In Tuesday’s election, with little visibility, few items on the ballot, and little controversy, only 6.3 percent of the potential voters turned out in Flint, as they gave…
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A new home in the heart of the city for Flint River Watershed Coalition and Kayak Flint
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation has granted $350,000 to support a Flint River revitalization project along Kearsley Street in Flint, according to a press release from the C.S. Mott Foundation issued this week. The grant will provide funding to the Foundation for the Uptown Reinvestment Corporation (URC), a supporting organization of the Uptown Reinvestment Corporation,…
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“Transformational” federal funds to city, funeral home demo, funds for home repair, highway project topics at FNU
By Coner Segren Federal relief dollars coming to Flint will be “transformational,” Mayor Sheldon Neeley predicted at the recent monthly meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). Participants in the Zoom meeting also heard updates about expected funds for several highway projects, prospective demolition of Brown Funeral Home, and access to funds for home repair. Neeley…
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Commentary: A visionary plan to revive Flint Community Schools — “Let’s make this work.”
By Paul Rozycki Are you ready for some good news for Flint and its students? We all know this has been a year of bad news that included a national pandemic, statewide infection spikes, racial division, daily mass shootings, a rash of fires in Flint, bears in our backyards, and chaos at city council meetings.…
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