Category: Local News
Education Beat: Flint School board approves plan to re-open schools online Aug. 5
By Harold C. Ford A plan for all Flint students to return to school Aug. 5 on a virtual/online basis only has been approved by the board of the Flint Community School (FCS) district. Then in September, following recommendations from the state and other sources, FCS students would continue school in three possible formats: face-to-face/brick-and-mortar;…
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Kildee on John Lewis: he urged getting into “good trouble” in the pursuit of justice and equality
Note: Since May 26, Congressman Kildee, of Michigan’s Fifth District, had been Congressman Lewis’s proxy for House votes at Lewis’s request. Statement by Congressman Dan Kildee on the passing of Rep. John Lewis: Flint — Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05), Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus, issued the following statement today on…
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Mayor Neeley on the death of John Lewis: “We have lost a great American hero”
Mayor Sheldon Neeley today issued the following statement on the passing of Congressman John Lewis: “We have lost a great American hero. Congressman John Lewis leaves us after a lifetime dedicated to fighting nonviolently for equity and social justice. He unabashedly stood for what was right — always. I had the honor of repeatedly…
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City Clerk and City of Flint respond to ACLU complaint about absentee ballot/voters rights concerns
By Tom Travis In response to a complaint filed in the Genesee County Circuit Court Thursday by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Michigan and five Flint residents, City Clerk Inez Brown has announced 24-hour access to a secured absentee ballot drop box now installed in front of City Hall, 1101 S. Saginaw Street,…
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Flint receives $400,000 grant from the Department of Justice to fight Coronavirus
By Tom Travis The City of Flint has won a $411,348 grant from the Department of Justice to fund COVID-19 response and related expenses, city officials announced this week. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a part of the U.S. Department of Justice and administers assistance in the form of grants to municipalities and local…
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Sloan Museum receives $400K from Hagerman Foundation for new early childhood gallery
By Jan Worth-Nelson A new $400,000 grant from the Flint-based Hagerman Foundation to the Sloan Museum of Discovery will provide funding for a new early childhood gallery, and brings the Flint science and history museum to within $2 million of its $27.6 million fundraising goal, Sloan Executive Director Todd Slisher announced today. The latest donation…
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Commentary: An August primary primer–how it’s different and why its important
By Paul Rozycki In a time of the COVID-19 virus, economic shutdowns, Black Lives Matter protests, and 500-year floods, it’s difficult to focus on something as routine as an August primary election. Even in “normal” times, the primary is often overshadowed by summer vacations, county fairs, and car cruises, and the turnout is usually low.…
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Local ACLU fires off complaint to the Mayor and City Clerk; mail-in and absentee ballots in question
By Tom Travis The City of Flint is not complying with absentee balloting requirements approved by Michigan voters, Greater Flint American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) officials claimed Tuesday in a letter of complaint to Mayor Sheldon Neeley and Flint City Clerk Inez Brown. The letter, titled Flint’s “Disenfranchisement of Absentee Voters,” said the Flint City…
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Free COVID testing for Flint residents returns to Shiloh MBC Thursday and Friday
The City of Flint has issued the following announcement: “FLINT, Michigan—Free COVID-19 testing will return on Thursday and Friday to Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church through the continued partnership of state, county and local entities. Testing at Shiloh has been extremely popular with residents with more than 1,200 tests conducted during two previous testing cycles [starting…
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