Category: News Briefs
City Council attempts at “decorum” and “civility” training descend into chaos
By Tom Travis Moments into Monday night’s virtual Flint City Council meeting, discussion descended into chaos and arguing over whether the public should be allowed to speak. It was a squabble which set the stage for a planned training session on decorum and civil debate. After more than an hour of wrangling, the council ultimately…
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Students invited to enter Genesee Health Plan’s sixth annual Health Heritage essay and scholarship contests
Genesee Health Plan (GHP) is accepting entries through March 31 for its sixth annual Health Heritage Essay Contest from all Genesee County students in elementary grades five and six, middle school, junior high, and high school students, including students in homeschool or private schools. Winning students will receive hundreds of dollars in gift cards sponsored…
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Resident participation sought in Flint Community Advisory Task Force on Public Safety Meetings
The newly formed Flint Community Advisory Task Force on Public Safety is asking residents to voice their ideas and concerns as part of its ongoing work to provide a bridge between community members and police, according to a press release from the City. Mayor Sheldon Neeley suggested the creation of the task force in response…
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Genesee County Land Bank accepting applications for 2021 Clean & Green season
Applications for community groups to participate in the 2021 Clean & Green program are being accepted now through Feb. 26, according to a press release from the Genesee County Land Bank (GCLB). Clean & Green supports community-based groups in cleaning, maintaining, and beautifying otherwise vacant properties in Genesee county. Each group maintains at least 25…
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Flint Public Library re-opens for browsing and computer services at Courtland Center
The Flint Public Library (FPL) at Courtland Center is reopening Tuesday, Feb. 2 for computer and genealogy services and one-hour browsing visits, the library announced in a press release issued Friday. Due to elevated rates of COVID-19, patrons had been limited to ordering materials for pick up, but will now be able to use resources,…
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Registration begins for the $641.25 million water crisis settlement
By Tom Travis Flint residents can begin to register for a piece of the $641.25 million water crisis settlement (WCS). According to attorneys in the settlement, registration began Jan. 27 and ends March 29. Adults must opt-in by March 29 and all objections must be filed by March 29. Who can register? – How to…
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Flint Institute of Arts opening Art School for spring session; registration begins Feb. 2
Art classes at the Flint Institute of Arts (FIA) will resume for spring term if encouraging Covid-19 trends continue. Spring classes begin March 8, 2021. “We have been closely monitoring our region’s infection rates and trends. The numbers continue to fall and unless there is a new and unexpected resurgence, we will reopen,” Art School…
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Michigan food assistance payments increase 15 percent by end of January – Gov. Whitmer/MDHHS
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) announced 15 percent increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits beginning by the end of January and lasting until June, 2021, as detailed in a Thursday press release from MDHHS and Gov. Whitmer. The increase is part of a Congressional relief…
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City Council Beat: Leadership change brings on Fields, Davis: no city business voted on during five-hour meeting
By Tom Travis After a contentious five-hour meeting and acting only on two pieces of city business, the Flint City Council voted to recess until Thursday at 5:30 p.m. The meeting did result in an upending of council leadership, with Kate Fields (4th Ward) elected president of the council by a 5-4 vote, replacing Monica…
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