Category: News Briefs
Female pianist, women composers featured Sunday, Feb 23, at Court Street United Methodist Church
An afternoon of music by all women composers performed by pianist Sandra Mogensen will be presented at Court Street United Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb 23. This event, titled en pleine lumiere, is sponsored by an endowment of the Elton and Elsie West fund. The Wests are long time members of the church. For…
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Registry extends $50 bonus through February for filling out surveys
By Jan Worth-Nelson The Flint Registry is extending a “thank you” offer to pay Flint residents $50 each to fill out a survey detailing their experiences during the Flint water crisis. The deadline for receiving the bonus is now Feb. 29, extended from the end of January. To enroll or learn more, information is available…
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“Voice of the River” celebration Jan. 30 to honor Ridgway White, volunteers
The annual “Voice of the River” celebration of the Flint River Watershed Coalition (FRWC) will this year honor Ridgway White, president and CEO of the C. S. Mott Foundation, “for his personal and professional dedication to ensuring safe, easy, and ample access to the Flint River.” The event, which also includes an overview of the…
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“Social media and children” topic of Flint Area Public Affairs Forum Tuesday Jan. 28
A panel of local experts on news, social media, psychology and children convene at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday Jan. 28 at the Flint Public Library for a discussion titled “I Saw It On Snapchat: Social Media and Children.” The event, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Flint Area Public Affairs Forum, a…
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“Meaning Train” author Carrie Cunningham appearing Saturday at Totem
By Jan Worth-Nelson Carrie Cunningham, author of a new book exploring “ how ideas of nonviolence and love might save the world” will appear at 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23, at Totem Books, 620 W. Court St., Flint. Meaning Train: Essays on Religion and Politics was published by Archway Publishing this autumn. Cunningham, of Grosse Pointe…
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Kuungana concert features international dancers, drummers 8 p.m. Saturday
A concert performed by a team of international dancers and drummers is set for 8 p.m. Saturday (Nov. 9) at the University of Michigan – Flint Theatre. The performance is part of a two-day “Kuungana Drum and Dance Conference” featuring the Kankouran African Dance Company based in Maryland, a group which aspires to “preserve and promote…
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Humanity in Harmony festival returns Saturday Oct. 19
By Jan Worth-Nelson The seventh annual Humanity in Harmony Music Festival featuring a quartet of four varied acts is set for 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19 at the Flint Institute of Music’s MacArthur Recital Hall. The event is sponsored by the Flint Jewish Federation. The festival also offers a free master class in jazz performance…
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Zoning code update progress, small business grants featured at FNU
By Luther Houle “You guys are definitely the heroes. You don’t get paid for this,” said Glenn Wilson Saturday morning Oct. 5 at the Flint Public Library. “A breakfast is just something to say thank you to you guys, and keep up the hard work!” Wilson, president of Communities First, Inc., a non-profit community development…
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Drive-through flu shots, water giveaway available Friday at Genesee Health Plan office
By Jan Worth-Nelson Area residents can get flu shots without even leaving their cars from 3-6 p.m. Friday at the Genesee Health Plan (GHP) office, 2171 S. Linden Rd., Flint. “Attendees can drive through one of our garage service bays, roll down their window and roll up their sleeve to receive their flu shot,” said…
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Access to health care gets assist from federal grant to Genesee Health Plan
By Jan Worth-Nelson The Genesee Health Plan (GHP), a nonprofit health care organization that provides basic health services to uninsured Genesee County residents, has received a $92,988 federal grant to help people enroll in health care coverage. The one year grant, from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, will supply about a third of the…
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